𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟴

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After that hairstyle, it kinda just wore off, and Midoriya was back with having his fluffy hair.

Midoriya was packing up his stuff when he saw Kaminari.

"Kami~! Hey-"

Kaminari got startled by Midoriya, as he quickly gave him a smile, but then left.


Midoriya was worried about Kaminari, he looked like he was scared when Midoriya shouted to him, but why?

Midoriya decided to let it go for jow, as he left class and went back to the dorms.


"Kaminari?! What happened to you?!" Mina yelled out as Midoriya entered the dorms.

"Nothing Mina! I got to go! I'm fine, I swear.!" Kaminari said as he gave Mina a fake smile, which pissed Midoriya off.

'Did he just fake a smile..?'

Midoriya made his way towards Mina as she sighed and sat down on the couch.

"Mina what happened? Why did Kami just run off?" Midoriya asked as Mina looked worried as well.

"I saw something on Kaminari, and wanted to see what it was, and I lifted his hair, and it was a black eye.."

Midoriya was now really furious.

'Is Kami being bullied..?'

Mina and Midoriya were both quiet as Midoriya smiled.

"Thanks Mina, I'll go talk to Kami now~." Midoriya said as Mina was confused, but nodded.


Midoriya went to Kaminari's dorm, as he knocked on his door.


"Kami? Can we talk?" Midoriya said as Kaminari didn't respond for a while.

"Uhh.. sure." Kaminari finally answered as he opened the door for Midoriya.

Midoriya walked in, as Kaminari was pretty obvious when he was trying to cover his black eye.

Midoriya turned around, and walked towards Kaminari.


Midoriya lifted up Kaminari's hair, and saw the black eye.


"Huh.. w-what do you mean-.?"

"Kaminari. Please. You won't fool me." Midoriya said as he pulled Kaminari close.

Kaminari I guess couldn't hold it in, and cried out.

He held onto Midoriya, as Midoriya just held him.

Kaminari told Midoriya his situation, and how he had been dealing with his bullies for a while now, and Midoriya was pissed.

Not because Kaminari didn't tell anyone, but to himself.

He should've been more focused on Kaminari, and should have known that he was being bullied.

Midoriya was upset with himself, but there's nothing he could do now since it already past.

"Midoriya you've got to promise you won't do anything about this-."

"Kaminair.. I can't promise. I won't."

"..fine. Just don't do anything to my bullies."

"Not unless they lay there filthy hands on you." Midoriya said in a very scary voice.

Kaminari laughed as he smiled.

"Thanks Midoriya.."


It was the next morning and class was just about to begin, when there was no sign of Kaminari.

"Do any of you know where Denki is?" Aizawa asked as there was no answer.

But then Kaminari came through the door.

"S-sorry.. I'm late.." Kaminari sounded off.

He was looking down on the floor, as if he was trying to cover something up when Kirishima went to check on him.

"Hey kamibro? What's wrong-?...?!"

Kirishima was shocked at what he saw as Kaminari tried to cover it up, but everyone had seen his beaten up face.

Aizawa was also in shock. He was also furious.

Midoriya was silent after he saw Kaminari's beaten up face.


Midoriya didn't look right.

"Midoriya please.. I'm fine..-" Kaminari tried to calm Midoriya but it wasn't going to work.

Everyone shivered at Midoriya's tone of voice, as Midoriya was very furious right now.

"Mr. Aizawa?"

"What problem child?"

"May I be excused?"

"What for?"

Midoriya chuckled as he cracked his knuckles a bit.

"I need to deal with something.. or rather someone.."

Aizawa shivered as he didn't bother stopping Midoriya, as Midoriya left the classroom, and of course everyone was afraid of Midoriya's tone of voice.

Bakugou though smiled as he enjoyed this side of Midoriya.


Midoriya of course dealt with the bullies, and they apologized to Kaminari, and that they would never bulky him again.

Kaminari thanked Midoriya, as Midoriya hugged Kaminari.

"Please tell me when someone hurts you..." Midoriya whispered as Kaminari snuggled into Midoriya's neck.

"I will.. thank you Midoriya."

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