𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟰

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Midoriya was working on his homework, which wasn't going to well.

Midoriya sighed as he tried to understand a problem but couldn't.

He moved away from his homework, as he heard a knock at his door.

'Huh. Wonder who's here?'

Midoriya got up from his seat and made his way towards the door.

He opened it as it was Bakugou.

"Kacchan? What are you doing here?" Midoriya asked as Bakugou let himself in.

Bakugou didn't say anything as he laid himself on Midoriya bed.

Midoriya was confused and pouted.

"Couldn't you brought some snacks.."

"Eh?! I'm not your maid!" Bakugou yelled as Midoriya chuckled a little.


Bakugou and Midoriya were being a bit too loud as they had got Iida's attention.

'What in the world? No one should be up right now! Well besides me of course.'

Iida got out of bed, as he made his way towards the noise.

As he arrived at the noise it was in Midoriya's dorm.

Iida gasped.

'Midoriya wouldn't do this! It's not his kind of behavior.!'

Bakugou was tickling Midoriya which is why they were both being so loud.

"Wahh! Hahaha! Kacchan stop- hahaha!!"

Bakugou looked at Midoriya as he blushed a bit.


"You know how ticklish I am!"

"Such a loser." Bakugou said as he stopped tickling Midoriya.

Midoriya noticed the position they were in and blushed as he turned away.

"OI DEKU! You stupid minded green broccoli!" Bakugou shouted as Midoriya was offended.

"Eh?! Am not!"

"You damn nerd!-"

Bakugou didn't have time to finish his sentence as Iida barged into the room.

"As class representative, I suggest you guys go back to your dorm-!"

Iida stopped talking as soon as he saw Bakugou's and Midoriya's position.

"No.. No. NOO!! Midoriya! Explaing why you, him are in this position!" Iida yelled as you can sense a bit of jealousy.

"IIDA SHUT UP!" Mina yelled out as Iida was quiet.

"Four eyes, what the f*ck are you talking about?" Bakugou said as Midoriya realized what he meant and blushed.

"I-iida! It's not what it looks like!" Midoriya said as he tried to explain to him, but Bakugou was so confused.

"Nerd what the f*ck are you on about?" Bakugou said again as he wanted an explanation, but he wasn't getting on and it was pissing him off.

Iida turned away as he was disappointed to see this.

Bakugou was now pissed off.

"What the f*ck are you guys talking about?!" Bakugou yelled as Iida turned around and looked at him with an upset face.

"You and Midoriya are having an intercourse!-"

Bakugou looked at the position Midoriya and him were in as he blushed.

"You damn nerd!" Bakugou yelled as Iida quickly went to go save Midoriya.


Midoriya woke up as he realized he never finished his homework, and quickly got dressed, and decided to ask for Iida's help.

"Iida!" Midoriya yelled as Iida turned around and saw Midoriya tie was messy.

"Midoriya! Your tie is not perfectly on!" Iida complained.

"I know, I was in a rush. I wanted to ask for your help since I didn't get to finish my homework last night." Midoriya said as he was a bit out of breath.

Iida sighed, as he got closer to Midoriya, and fixed up his tie.

Midoriya smiled as he gave Iida a hug.

"Thanks Iida~!"

Iida blushed as he quickly turned away from Midoriya.

"So will you help me with my homework Iida?" Midoriya asked again, as Iida fixed his glasses.

"Sure. We must get everything done before class begins."

"Thanks Iida~!"

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