𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟱

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Midoriya was pretty bored when he heard a knock at his door.


Midoriya quickly got up from his bed and opened his door as someone jumped into his arms and held onto him.

"Mr. Deku!"

"Oh-! Hey Eri~! What bring you here?" Midoriya asked as Eri smiled.

"I wanted to come see you Mr. Deku, and Mirio too!" Eri said as Mirio was at the door blushing a bit as he scratched the back of his head.

"Sorry if you're busy- Eri just really wanted to see you."

"No, no! I'm not busy at all! Actually I'm free today so why don't we all go out?" Midoriya said as Mirio blushed some more.

"Go out?"

"Yeah! Does that sound fun to you Eri?" Midoriya asked as Eri smiled.

"Yeah~! Let's go!"

"Ok then, it's settled, just let me get changed and then we can head out." Midoriya said as he left to go get changed.


Midoriya, Eri, and Mirio were walking, but they didn't really have an idea on where to go.

"Hey Eri, where do you want to go?" Mirio asked as Eri thought about it for a second.

"Ice-cream!" Eri said as Midoriya chuckled.

"Alright~. Ice-cream it is!"

They all made there way to the ice cream shop as Eri ran ahead of them.

They ordered their ice-creams and waited until then.

Eri was very energetic, and was making Mirio and Midoriya laugh.

They're ice-creams finally came as they left and decided to head back to UA.

"Mr. Deku! Let's play dress up!" Eri said as Midoriya smiled.

"Sure, why not?" Midoriya replied as Eri smiled, and grabbed his hand and ran to Midoriya's dorm room.


They arrived to Midoriya's dorm room, and of course Eri began to work her magic.

She started with Mirio, as she gets a brush and starts combing his hair.

Midoriya was nest as she loved the feeling of his hair as she played with it for a while, but then began to comb it.

"There~! Now all we need is to dress you up!" Eri said as Midoriya chuckled.

"Of course your highness." Midoriya said as he bowed and Eri laughed.

Eri gave Midoriya a pink tutu, as he came out with it on, and she put a tiara on his head as she smiled proudly.

"Beautiful!" Eri said as she forgot about Mirio as she smiles at him.

Mirio was nervous as Eri shoves him into the closet as she gave him a purple tutu.

"Um.. I don think this will fit-"

Eri pouted as Mirio couldn't handle her pout and went back into the closet to put the tutu on.

As Mirio was putting on his tutu, Eri and Midoriya decided to set up a tea party while they waited for Mirio to come out.

Mirio finally got the tutu to fit, as Eri clapped her hands and she went over to him to put a tiara on his head as well.

"Oh-? Are we going to play tea party?" Mirio asked as he saw the table all set up.

Eri nodded as Mirio sighed and sat down next to Midoriya as they all played.


It was getting a bit late as Mirio noticed the time and sighed.

"It's time for us to go Eri." Mirio said as he took off the tutu, and the tiara.

"Wahh.. already.. but I want to stay with Midoriya a little longer..!" Eri said as she pouted.

Mirio looked away as he knew he was going to give in to Eri.

"Sorry Eri, but Aizawa needs you back home. He's your care taker. Not Midoriya." Mirio said as Eri began to cry.

Midoriya chuckled as he pat Eri's head.

"Don't worry Eri, we'll hang out again. But for now, you need to go back with Aizawa Sensei." Midoriya said as he wiped Eri's tears away.

Eri pouted as she gave in and said goodbye to Midoriya.

"Thanks Midoriya." Mirio said as Midoriya chuckled and gave Mirio a smile.

"No problem Mirio~! Bye~!"

Mirio blushed as he waved goodbye and left with Eri.

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