𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟭

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Midoriya was having a morning walk, as he already shower, and had his breakfast.

He had a few minutes to spare and decided to walk a bit.

As he was walking he bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry!" A teenager said as he ran off.

"It's fine.." Midoriya said but the teenager was far gone.

'Did I scare him?!'

Midoriya felt a bit off, but shrugged it off as he check the time.

It was almost time for class to start as Midoriya made his way back to UA.


Midoriya arrived, as he entered the school and saw Iida and Uraraka.

"Hola Uraraka e Iida!" [Hey Uraraka and Iida] Midoriya said as Uraraka was confused.

"Deku-kun? Wha- why are you speaking Spanish?!" Uraraka said as she was freaking out a bit.

Iida fixed his glasses as he was also a bit shocked and backed away.

"Oh-! Supongo que me golpeó una peculiaridad del lenguaje." [Oh-! I guess I got hit by a language quirk.] Midoriya said as Uraraka didn't understand a word that came out of his mouth.

"Iida go get Mr. Aizawa.!" Uraraka said as Iida nodded and quickly left.


"Yeah, seems like problem child got hit by a language quirk. Should wear off after 24 hours." Aizawa said as he yawned and went back to taking a nap.

"Me pregunto si alguien puede traducir para ustedes ... ¡oh-! ¡Sero sabe español!" [I wonder if anyone can translate for you guys.. oh-! Sero knows Spanish!]

Uraraka just understood the name Sero as she quickly went to go get him.

Iida was now stuck with a Spanish Midoriya as he started talking to Iida in Spanish as he just stood there listening to every word not even understanding them.

"Hey! What's going on? Why are you pushing me?" Sero said as Uraraka was pushing him towards Midoriya.

"¡Oye Sero! Me golpeó una peculiaridad del idioma, ¡así que ahora hablo español! ¡¿Guay, verdad?!" [Hey Sero! I got hit by a language quirk so now I speak Spanish! Cool right?!] Midoriya said as he smiled.

"Woah-! That's awesome!" Sero said as he smiled happily.

"So what did he say?" Uraraka asked as Sero chuckled.

"He was just telling me that he got hit by a language quirk and asked if it was cool." Sero said as he happily chuckled.

"I mean.. I guess it's cool, but I can't understand it! Except for you!" Uraraka said as she sighed.

"Aww .. no estés triste Uraraka. Solo durará 24 horas." [Aww.. don't be sad Uraraka. It'll only last for 24 hours.]

"Now what did he say?" Uraraka asked as Sero shrugged.

"He says it's okay that you don't understand him, it'll only be for 24 hours."

"I guess.. but that's a long time!" Uraraka said as she pouted.

The rest of the students arrived as they all said their good mornings, and of course Midoriya said good morning to them with his new language.

"¡Buenos días a todos! ¿Como estas todos?" [Good morning everyone! How are you all?] Midoriya said as everyone was

"What the f*ck is he saying?" Bakugou said as he was clearly confused.

"¡Oh Kacchan! Siento hablar en otro idioma ..." [Oh Kacchan! Sorry that I'm speaking in a different language..]

Bakugou was even more confused as Sero was loving this.

"Oi! What the f*ck is he saying!?" Bakugou yelled at Sero as Sero jolted a bit.

"He said good morning and he apologizes that he's speaking Spanish." Sero said as he walks towards Midoriya.

"¿También puedes entender español o solo lo hablas?" [Can you also understand Spanish or is it just speaking it?] Sero asked as he was hesitant for a second.

"¡Sip! ¡Yo también puedo entender español!" [Yup! I can understand Spanish as well!] Midoriya said as Sero smiled.

Sero hugged Midoriya as he Midoriya chuckles.

"Me he enamorado de ti." [I have fallen in love with you] Sero said as Midoriya blushed a very dark red as Sero smirked.

"Oh ~? ¿Te estoy haciendo sonrojar?" [Oh~? Am I making you blush?] Sero said as he turns Midoriya's chin towards him as they were very close.

Bakugou growled as he knew what Sero was doing and quickly cut through the middle to stop Sero.

"Back it up tape boy!" Bakugou yelled as Sero sighed, ashamed that he couldn't have his fun with Midoriya.

"La próxima vez te atraparé, y estará en la cama, haciéndote gritar mi nombre una y otra vez ~" [translate if you dare ;>] Sero said as he smirked and left proud.

Midoriya face was a darker red as his nose bleed and Bakugou was shocked as Midoriya fainted.

"Oi! Deku!"

Sero chuckled as he sat down in his seat.

"Wahh!! Deku-kun! Get him to the nurse's office!" Uraraka said as she panicked.

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