𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟳

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Midoriya had to go and take Kota home as he grabbed his hand and left UA.


As Midoriya was returning back home, he saw a familiar face, as he went up to the person and touched their shoulder.

They jolted up as they turned around quickly, and it was Tamaki.

"Oh-! Sorry Tamaki, didn't mean to startled you."

"Oh.. I-Izuku-! What are you doing here?" Tamaki asked as he was fidgeting with his fingers, as he was very nervous.

"Oh, nothing. Just heading back to UA." Midoriya said as he gave a smile to Tamaki.

"O-oh.. umm.. is it okay if I tag along?" Tamaki asked as Midoriya smiled again.

"Sure! I would love that. " Midoriya said as Tamaki smiled a little, and off they went back to UA.


Midoriya and Tamaki arrived at UA as Midoriya was about to say his goodbye when Tamaki asked.

"Um.. I-Izuku?" Tamaki questioned as Midoriya stopped himself from saying goodbye.

"What is it Tamaki?"

"Are you free tomorrow because if you are I would.. like to take you out.."

"Sorry Tamaki. I didn't get that last part."

"I'd like to take you out-!" Tamaki covered his face with his hands as he blushed a very dark red.

Midoriya jolted at the sudden words, but happily smiled.

"Sure Tamaki.. I'd love to go out with you."

Tamaki blushed as Midoriya chuckled as he said goodbye and left to his dorm room.


The next day, Tamaki was getting ready to go to school when he heard a knock at his door.

'Must be Mirio..'

Tamaki opened as it was not Mirio that was seen at the door but Midoriya.

"I-Izuku?! W-what are you doing here.?!" Tamaki said in panick as he was blushing a lot.

"Wahh! Tamaki! Are you alright?! You're face is burning bright red!" Midoriya said as he fanned Tamaki to get rid of his heat from blushing too hard.

After calming Tamaki down, Midoriya explained that he wanted to start the date off with getting to know each other, and to do that, they have to be together the whole school day.

"S-so t-the whole day..?" Tamaki said as Midoriya shook his head 'yes'.

Tamaki blushed again as Midoriya quickly caught him before he could fall to the floor.


Midoriya and Tamaki were walking to their classes, as they got to know each other along the way, and Tamaki was starting to get more comfortable with Midoriya.

"Well, this is my stop." Tamaki said as he arrived to his class.

"Alright then! See you later Tamaki!" Midoriya said as he hugged Tamaki and left to class.


It was time for lunch, and Tamaki was having lunch on his own as he was eating a salad, and then Midoriya came along.

"There you are Tamaki! I was looking for you." Midoriya said as he sat down next to him.

Tamaki was trying the to find the words to say to Midoriya, but Midoriya chuckled.

"Don't worry Tamaki, it's alright."

Tamaki blushed, but smiled.

Midoriya noticed that his finger was a bit weird.

He took a closer look and saw that it was a plant coming out from Tamaki's finger.

"Woah! Tamaki, this is so cool!" Midoriya exclaimed as he was about to touch the plant, but stopped himself.

"Can I?" Midoriya asked as Tamaki nodded and Midoriya happily smiled and touched th plant on Tamaki's finger.

Tamaki blushed as the plant then grew.

"Wahh~! It grew!" Midoriya said as his eyes sparkled.

Tamaki blushed some more as the plant then grew out some more, and a flower popped out.

Midoriya smelt the flower, as he chuckled and loved how Tamaki's quirk worked.

"Tamaki! You're quirk is so amazing~!" Midoriya complemented as Tamaki covered his face into his elbows.

"T-thank you.."

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