16:full concern

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"if i save you now,would you
save me tomorrow?"

no one pov
save,the meaning behind the small four digits word is to keep safe or to rescue someone or something from any particular harm or danger involving in their circle area.however the saviour would be called a hero for prioritising them,keeping them in place.

being a hero or writing a person to be the protagonist was hard,it wasn't an easy challenge nor task to complete with only a hand to write smoothly.the character must developed a skilful feelings off loving,caring and selfless.

without feeling a doubt,all of the three words underlined was jeon jungkook.he was a loving person,takes a great likeable on someone and see their positivity and specialty,not breaking anything in relationship bond.

he was caring,takes a good care of the others.while other was in pain,so did him.when the other was in agony,so did him.that's how i put to show that he was selfless in the story of his life chapters.he puts too much of other before himself making the young adult falls behind the long stairs.

maybe,just maybe sometimes he had been thinking...

  saving someone was a praised,
could they help him from dying?

story time...
jungkook was running universally inside the now a disaster building that he supposedly need to prevent.with a rack breathing in take,a harsh cough interpreted everytime the younger tried to fasten his pace in running wild just for someone,he kept telling himself to not give up until he found him,taehyung.

"hy-hyung! *cough argh whe-where are you! pl-please hyung an-answer me please!come-come on *cough *cough"he knew the older was still there,he could feel it within him even in such situations.he looked around almost in 360 degrees every once he heard a cracking nor a unfamiliar sound.however,there's no sign of one particular guy.

as he looked around without fully focusing on the fire environment,the reddish orange burning sign taking its power and made a way towards the small young sweaty boy.

jungkook finally looked down and widened his eyes,his both shoes was burning hot as the pair on fire.he immediately took it off and continued to work on finding the most important.

"help me please! i'm here please help!"


even only in one sentence,he immediately knew where was taehyung being,in the bathroom.jungkook ran all the way with a blurry sight towards the sound coming from the confined space.

the younger arrived the front wooden door and tried opening it,however it was locked making himself frustrated with the all of these problems just to get here back again.before he thought of something else he knocked on the door and yelled "stay away from the door hyung! just stay away!"

after quite a few milliseconds later he kicked the blocker in between resulting him wincing in pain.with only barefoot on both side on his legs,it surely will leave a big dark bruised.

the door bursted opened after the lock broke.jungkook entered almost immediately and started to scream with a cough. "hy-hyung! i'm h-here *cough"


jungkook made his way and turned to the corner,edged of the big spacious restroom.the younger sighed in relief seeing the guy was curling onto himself without any sign of severe injury.

cold love desire|taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now