26:surviving after

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"we hope to survive,but
we failed to continue"

no pov
the beautiful majestic pastel colouring were now replace with only dark emerge through the canvas leaving insincerity.no one knew how the canvas itself felt that way knowing nobody had touch nor even held it with fragile fingers and palm.

out of the story,the canvas were hurt because the colour kept falling from the inside heart.even it was only a thing,feelings still remain in each every billion pieces we studied to believe.once learning that humanity chose to follow the new outcomer,it failed to protect its own true identity colours.it became drained and bleak to be look with eyes.

however,some learn how the feelings are very limited and vulnerable to be taken for granted.it was like a piece of glass from a broken window by a teen's fault.it was supposed to be a mistake but people viewed it as a jail like action.

the duo from this story was related to one canvas that was once beautiful when they were together.but the colours were disturbing how dramatically detailed it looked from the outside physically.they supposed to stay happy with sincerity filling them,unfortunately humanity sucked to help with only a single struck of return expectation.

please help me,please help us,
we're drained and tired.

story time...
everybody lost their breath in split seconds after entering the huge hospital for both the main protagonist.each and everyone of them just kept running even after their legs felt like nothing and numb,invisible from its feelings.

"are they okay?! where are them?! kim taehyung and jeon jungkook!"

jisoo asked immediately after stepping a few after in front of the main counter at the centre of the hall,information centre to be exact.she was out of breath but the tears said otherwise,it was another vision to continue even with abnormal rhythm.

all the other boys stood behind her catching some breath as the working nurse bowed and smiled softly while replying "i am sorry mrs,but both the patients jeon jungkook and kim taehyung are in the operating room.doctor jung and doctor lee are in-charged for their operation right now" she bowed yet again after ending her sentence.

all they could do just shook the negative thoughts of losing one of them,the little one and the other half of the duo.

"wh-when will the operation finish nurse?"

jimin asked with full salty tears visible on his face but that was the least thing he would want to wipe of his face.showing tears for someone as a beautiful characters were worth it just like the youngest fighting inside apart.

the nurse could only sighed and answered "i'm sorry i couldn't possibly tell you the accurate hours but it will take more than two hours per usual for one successful operation" she exclaimed.

they thanked her and decided to stay at the hospital even after 24 hours passed by...


"fuck you useless piss of shit! why you always ruin my plan!" he whispered to himself after knowing all the plan he kept on working had failed miserably.however, the old man just overly assuming that the guard whom was supposed to be known as lee,wasn't capable enough for his own goods.

junghyun curled his both palms like a fist feeling his angered bottling up from inside of his body.the burning flammable sensation of not used to being fucked up was there within.

before he could met up with rosé,that was now his newest enemy with the other girl whom was jennie,the antagonist felt suspicious as to why the young woman wanted to meet him at that kind of hour.

all he did was stayed for about only half an hour to find out everything from jennie and lisa being together oppositely from his negative side,until seeing them drove over to the hospital.

he watched all of it while hiding.

"urgh! now i need to think of something else,all the police and everyone now know everything huh? so be it"

junghyun called a taxicab and immediately drove towards one particular place for the next task with smirk accompanied under the black coloured mask to tape on his identity...


all of them were now sitting in a circle. countless of droplets rain accompany the six expressionless souls with a hint of thunder here and there.truthfully,the tension between them caused another tears mixed with the present condensed raindrops.

suddenly,one soul spoke up his mind...

"why did they always have to cause trouble?! couldn't they see that i-we're tired of going to keep up with their will!"

yoongi,min yoongi sentenced out his feelings with distressed.even known to be cold from the outside,he was one of the few people the duo that was fighting behind the curtains knew for a long time being.one of the hyungs they could trust even storms took their beautiful majestic smiles.

"i-i'm tired because of all of this,i-no! i-i just want to see them happy just like how they used to be hy-hyung,jimin,mrs kim.i saw them grew up together in school,it just hurts seeing them like this,i'm s-sorry"he trailed another sadness bringing up pain and quiver mouth of his.

the others were just the same,even jimin as he looked up for the younger since years ago,when jungkook started to work at the bar for his own father's debt.they all as a group of friends knew the exaggerating pain of how one another felt even just got connected only in a short amount of time...because of the duo too.

nevertheless,jisoo felt the worst.she tried to put off the negative mind to the side that kept eating his positive thoughts alive.she just finally found her happiness but yet in a harmful way...

taehyung was sick.

her one and only son was sick in a bed behind her all this time and yet she couldn't do even a single thing about it other than emotionally blamed her own self.jisoo was just mentally exhausted too.

who couldn't be?- she was kidnapped after months and knew the others must have been thinking she was gone, especially all the tears were for the son when she noticed all this time that she could die before seeing him one more time even a millisecond.

the torment.
the torture.
the soreness.

it was all eating her alive under the mask of a beautiful princess like lady.even under the mask laid back another feelings,how could she showed another word of an action even all of this could be her fault?-she thought.

"mrs kim,are you-are you alright?"

suddenly a voice of jin asked jisoo because seeing her looked away for more than a minute kept getting his own discomfort.however,the answer was there plastered when the teardrops made its way from the cornea parts of the eyes.

"i-i am alright if my son is saved"...

cold love desire|taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now