8:broken pin

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"broken beyond repair,but nobody gives me warmth"

no one pov
finding joy and happy ending all at once was like a miracle dreams for every souls.in every fairytale,happy ending is a suspend action after developing love and affection from two main protagonist.

miracles and sparkles do happen on daily bases,however not on the same personal level of individual.it sparkles according to your luck side of life to survive and earn more points towards the end-happy end.

unfortunately,there's some whose turn was far away from the starting point when the lifeline was started to count,decreasing yet it still is a long highway to find the miracle we all were asking for,hence,craving for.whatever the ending is,somehow it hopscotch with challenges and probability to fall down the ground and never wake up yet again.

but jungkook was different,he put all his blood,sweat and tears to just win the game,to survive each time and sometimes he screwed up,but the end button wasn't there.the feelings of dying was there,but he just couldn't bring to put an end to everything he sacrifices each time.

he was broken,but he tried to satisfy everything he could...

nobody knew he was suffering more than specific person,yet he just kept hiding behind close walls.the cloud seems so bright but at night it seems so bleak.he was rarely refers to the midday more than nighttime.

story time...
it was the morning where birds already chirping from your rooftop down to the ears waking up a certain bruised boy.he looked at the unfamiliar white decorated ceiling and closed his eyes,wincing slightly at the sudden bright lights from the window directly towards the center bed.

he finally regained a steady look and slowly putting the mask oxygen away from the face and sat at the edge of the bed.while doing so,he whimpered at the sudden movement,indicating his swollen dark bruised all around wasn't completely heal yet.he sighed,taking a step slowly until downstairs.

he smelled a very mouth-watering yet flavourful smell from the kitchen area.he painfully took another step forward but it just kept messing up his mind-dizziness-.he leaned the hand towards the wall and made up his way to the exact direction at the first place.

he was welcomed by taehyung who was sitting at the kitchen counter with a plate of scrambled eggs and so do a stacks of pancakes besides.

maybe because of the whimpering produced by,taehyung quickly turned towards jungkook and sighed. "when i enter your bedroom,you're still sleeping but now you aren't,so come eat breakfast" but jungkook couldn't heard it clearly as his vision was a bit blur from normal.

before he could replied anything in detail,he collapsed onto the floor with a thud,hands laying besides his fragile figure.the older gasped seeing the sudden crushed down,he immediately made his step faster,more like a run to the boy.

"jungkook!can you hear me?!" he yelled ,probably catching up some of the maids working too.jungkook wasn't completely unconscious but maybe it was because of his weak figure and the lack of oxygen inside. "i could hear you,but i felt like my body is weak" he whispered,energy drained in between.

taehyung used both his hands to sit up the younger carefully,making him leaned against the brown wall.he also did take a notice that the younger was sweating a lot by now as his hair was stucked on his forehead.he gently put his hand swaying away some of the sweat and the strains of hair,putting a contact.

cold love desire|taekook ffWhere stories live. Discover now