Chapter 3

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It had been a good few weeks since the spell was last casted, and she was hitting the point of insanity. Her own thoughts were worse enough at times, for she had the annoying habit of over thinking everything she thought. Let alone have someone else's thoughts join those never-ending chain of thoughts.

And the worst part was, that not only did she have to listen to them, it also started to influence her way of thinking, and how she would reply at times. There were these moments, where she'd be so lost in studying, and someone were to ask her something that she'd reply with such a snarky comment that was completely unknown to her. If anything, it would sound like Malfoy had momentarily taken over her body and replied for her.

Matters weren't helping either that she still hadn't gotten the chance to use the note Dumbledore had written for her. For weeks she had been walking around with too many questions, and too many complaints from Malfoy. It wasn't her fault, though. All the teachers at Hogwarts were giving the sixth years way too much work to do, even Hermione had to admit that. Of course she was more organized and had it better done than the others, but even she had trouble trying to get everything done.

Harry was frustrating her greatly as well. All those years she had been top of all her classes, except for this year. The only class she wasn't top of the class at anymore was Potions. Slughorn had seemed to take a real liking to Harry, all because he suddenly got better at Potions.

At first she couldn't understand how it happened, after all, it's not like he had any chance to practice over summer. And she didn't like his improvement one bit. If anything, it frustrated her even more than she already was.

Finishing up her Charms essay, she slammed her books shut and huffed as she saw Ron and Harry playing chess, not being able to believe they could relax this well with so much work to do. "I can't believe you two! This essay is due in three days, and you two haven't even started."

Ron turned to her with a sheepish smile, "Actually, 'Mione.." He started as he scratched behind the back of his head, "We were wondering if you'd help us out. Neither of us really understand anything of it."

Hermione scowled at them, "Perhaps if you had actually paid attention in class, you'd be able to make that essay." She snapped, turning around and disappearing out of the common room before either of them had any chance to reply.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, she was cursing Malfoy silently under her breath. Lately he had been very snarky in his thoughts, not only to her but as well about other students, and in times when she was frustrated like this, it would rub off on her and she'd accidentally use it on her friends.

It's not like she meant to do that, it's just that she wouldn't realize until the words had left her mouth. As she walked into the library, she decided she'd apologize after Harry came back from his meeting with Dumbledore.

In the meantime, she'd finally use her bit of free time to look up the answers she was desperate to get. Having passed the note to Madam Prince, and some jumping on the spot, she finally managed to grab the book from the shelf and got herself seated at an empty desk.

Opening the book, she started skimming the pages once more until her eyes landed on pieces of information that answered most asked questions.

Contrary to popular belief, the mind reading charm is not known for killing the other when one dies. In fact, it's a popular method to get rid of the charm. Because once the other is dead, the charm will be lifted.

Hermione looked rather uncomfortable at those words, not believing that it was popular for others to kill the ones they were connected with simply to get rid of the charm. And for a fleeting moment, she wondered if Malfoy was capable of doing that to her.

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