Chapter 29

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Granger, I'm serious right now. I'll personally come and get you if you stay there a minute longer. Hermione rolled her eyes at that, casually scanning the Daily Prophet, trying to see if there was anything interesting to read. Yet, so far the only thing she had come across was a giant who had proven to save a village from escaped dragons in Romania, changing the outlook on giants.

Don't be a drama queen, Malfoy. It's only been three days. Deciding that it wasn't worth continuing reading the newspaper, she switched over to his view. Yes, exactly. Three bloody days too many. Hermione raised an amused eyebrow at the frustrated frown forming on his face as she looked at his reflection in the window, observing how he casually sat at his desk in his bedroom. She would never be able to understand his hatred towards the Weasleys.

What have you been up to, anyway? Hermione automatically frowned in question as she watched him lean backwards on his chair, casually passing his wand between one hand and the other. What does it look like? Draco countered, stating the obvious of what she was seeing.

Releasing a sigh, she rolled her eyes at the smartass remark. Well, if he wanted to play it like that, then she'd just join in on his game. What does it look like? Like a ferret who has too much free time on his hands.

Smirking when she saw his movements still, she was satisfied to see the glare form on his face. Got him. Very funny, Granger. Her smirk dropped immediately at that. Hermione.

What are you calling yourself for? Draco asked, and Hermione rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time so far, shifting in her seat. I'm not calling myself, you idiot. I'm reminding you of my name. It seems like you've forgotten it today.

You seem very sharp today, very witty. What has gotten into you? The redhead girl having rubbed off on you? Draco said on a side note, a now curious line making its way to his forehead as he turned to look slightly to his left, as to directly look at the window, acknowledging that he knows she was watching him.

Hermione shrugged, momentarily forgetting that they weren't actually face to face. She might have. That rewarded her with a devious smirk of his, and to make it even better, a wiggling of the eyebrows. Well, how fun this year will be if she continues to do so. Snarky, witty Hermione Granger. Never thought I'd see the day.

Scoffing, she dropped the newspaper on the table beside her so Ron could take a seat next to her, seemingly focused on some food he had gotten. Don't get your hopes up. The minute we get back at Hogwarts, I'll be my old annoying know-it-all self.

Not annoying. Frowning at Draco's comment, she closed her eyes at the same time in disgust as she saw Ron stuffing the food in one bite in his mouth from the corner of her eyes. What do you mean?

You're a know-it-all, yes, but not annoying. Reopening her eyes – yet carefully not to look Ron's way, imagining dozens of crumbs dribbling down his chin – she softly scoffed at the not so flattering compliment of Draco. Well, aren't you the charmer.

Always am. A smug smirk appeared on his lips, and she rolled her eyes as she got off the couch, saying a quick good night to Ron, and also to Harry as she came across him on the stairs. "Going to bed already?" Harry asked in surprise, but Hermione gave an innocent nod. "Yes, I'm leaving early tomorrow morning." Finally. Draco exclaimed with an exaggerated sigh, and she had to refrain herself from rolling her eyes again, not wanting Harry to get the wrong idea.

"Right, well, good luck at Hogwarts, 'Mione. I suppose I'll still be asleep when you leave." Harry admitted with a sheepish grin, and Hermione smiled at that, nodding in agreement. Taking her best friend into a hug, she wished him lots of luck with his Auror training and headed up the many crooked stairs, opening the door to Ginny's bedroom.

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