Chapter 14

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Hermione smiled to herself as she was snuggled on the couch three days later, a cup of tea in her hands as she was seated between her parents, watching some sort of movie which was way too full of romance for her taste.


Granger, shut up. Hermione lightly chuckled under her breath, loving how she could so easily irk him.


In the name of Merlin, what the hell do you want, Granger? Even though he sounded annoyed, she knew he didn't really mean it. He was, after all, simply laying on his bed, flicking with his wand as he performed some simple charms. It's not like she was interrupting him or something.

I'm bored to death. Entertain me. Focusing her vision on his, she watched as his wand movement stilled. I'm not a circus monkey, find your own entertainment. Hermione scoffed as she got up from the couch and retreated to the kitchen, where she didn't need to mind her expressions and breathing so much.

Oh, come on. It's not like you aren't in some need of entertainment yourself. Covering her excuse for leaving her parents, she grabbed a glass from the cupboard and filled it with some water. Fair enough. What do you suggest?

Hermione bit her lip in thought, wondering what in the world they could do when they weren't even in the same room. Checking her surroundings, she suddenly had an idea that would work perfectly for them. I spy.

What? He sounded sincerely confused, and Hermione realized he mustn't have heard of the game. It's a Muggle game. It's basically where you choose an object in your surroundings, and say 'I spy with my little eye something...' and then you can either name the first letter of the object, or say the colour.

With my little eye? Really, Granger? That's what Muggles come up with? Hermione rolled her eyes, taking a sip of her water, welcoming the coolness that glided through her throat. Fine, then just say 'I spy something'

And how were you even planning to do this? Hermione had to refrain herself from getting worked up over the stupid question. Wasn't he supposed to be all smart like she was? He was second in best in their classes, after all. By vision, of course, you idiot. It's a little trick we got, remember?

Right. Draco remained silent after that, and Hermione took her place back on the couch so she'd get a better view of her surroundings. I'll begin then.

Whatever. Hermione rolled her eyes, gulping down the remainder of her water. Don't sound so excited. Taking a good look around the room, she hoped that he was watching her vision as she found an object. I spy something, and it's white.

Granger, nearly every bloody furniture is white in your house. How am I supposed to know? Hermione groaned under her breath. Playing games surely wasn't as fun with Draco as she had hoped. Just guess something.

Fine. He remained silent, and Hermione took this opportunity to slowly look around her room to give him an idea. Your couch?


Hermione looked around again, only to be stopped by a very irritated Draco. Granger, hold the vision for a second! Hermione held her gaze on the kitchen, but it earned her a growl from him. No, turn back to the left.

Doing as asked, she fixed her gaze back to the left. No, not so fast! Granger, just- A humorous frustrated growl sounded in her head, and Hermione had to bit her cheek to stop her from laughing aloud. Okay, just look back at the fireplace.

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