Chapter 17

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It had been almost a week since their little fight, and it had been stuck in her mind ever since. Nonetheless, she refused to be the one to talk to him first, and considering he was keeping quiet, they hadn't talked ever since.

The silence in her head was lonely in a way, and she missed the usual conversations they had. Yet, when she thought back to that night, those feelings washed away and all she was left with was anger. Because why did he lash out on her like that? Why did she have to be kept in the dark once more?

It was for that reason that she had barely been present at Harry's birthday a few days ago. Physically she was there, of course. But her mind was in all different places. And even now, with Bill and Fleur just having shared their wedding vows, she still wasn't really there.

Hermione refused to prod around in his mind. If he had something to say to her, then she figured their friendship had grown strong enough for him to actually be reasonable enough to share it with her. That is, if he still even wanted to be friends with her. After that night she had really gotten her doubts, and it only dragged her mood down further.

Harry and Ron had noticed her change in moods as well, but she simply shrugged it off saying she was worried for the next couple of weeks they would be facing. Ginny had approached her once as well, and to her she lied saying that she just wished she could talk to that boy again, but situations proved for it to be difficult. Ginny tried cheering her up by saying that with time they could owl each other as much as they wanted, and Hermione had faked a smile to shrug her caring friend off.

No matter what they would say, none of them would understand. Not that she could blame them. After all, she was the one keeping them in the dark. There was no possible way that they could know what she was feeling, and what kind of a comfort she would need.

A tap on her shoulder shook her out of her thoughts, and an honest surprise filled her body as she saw Viktor Krum coming to stand in front of her. A smile was planted on his face, and she immediately got out of her chair to greet him with a smile of her own.

They had stayed in touch for a while after he left back to Durmstrang, but eventually they lost contact and it had been years since she had last spoken to him. He grabbed her hand and brought it to his lips, planting a soft kiss on the back of her hand and lowering it back down with a smile. "You look beautiful." The words were so simple, but they brought a warm feeling to her heart.

Taking in his black hair that had grown out quite a bit, she watched in appreciation as the tuft of hair pointed up just in the right way. "May I have this dance?" He asked, the Bulgarian accent forever present in his voice, and Hermione had been too baffled to say anything till now.

Spurting out an embarrassing sounding "yes", she was led to the dance floor and her hands automatically found their way to his shoulders, where she had a sense of familiarity of their fourth year.

There was no denying that he looked rather handsome, the years of separation having given him a fresh look, but the fluttering feelings she had once felt years ago weren't there anymore. She saw this simply as a dance between two old friends, and she listened in brightened spirits to all he had to tell her ever since they lost contact.

On occasion she would tell a story of her own, share an event in her life that had happened to her in the meantime, but she mostly preferred to keep quiet and listen to his life in Bulgaria.

His hand found hers, and he raised her arm up and gave it a little tug, and she took this hint to give the slightest of a twirl – not the one to be the most comfortable with dancing. It felt good to move along with the music, and to let him guide her over the dance floor. To escape her gloomy thoughts, and to momentarily forget about her sadness.

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