Chapter 10

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"Run!" Draco practically yelled, but Hermione froze in place as her eyes were glued on his arm. "Granger, get moving!" He shouted, and rolled his sleeve back in place in the process. This seemed to snap Hermione back into focus as she watched the Vanishing Cabinet tremble, and she could feel the tears forming in her eyes as she realized what was happening.

Draco what did you do? Hermione thought, too surprised to say the words aloud. Get out of here, Hermione! Now! The use of her first name was the last portion of conviction she needed as she nodded at him, turning on her heel and running as fast as she could out of the Room of Requirement.

Save them. Do what I couldn't do. His voice broke inside her head, and by now she was at total loss on what to feel. Did she hate him for doing this or could she understand his situation?

Lingering on the insignificant thought of figuring out what she was feeling seemed like the worst idea right now, and so Hermione just kept running, focusing on the only thing she could think of: get to Ron.

Running down the corridor, she strained her eyes as she ran up the few stairs that led to the Gryffindor tower. The torches might have been burning bright, but one moment of lost focus and she'd slip on the stairs, wasting too much of precious time.

Hurrying into the common room, she ran up the stairs to the boys' dormitory, not bothering to knock or wait for someone to open the door. She had been here plenty times before, anyway. Not that the boys appreciated that much, but especially tonight she couldn't care any less.

"Ron!" She hissed, shaking his body as she reached his bed. "Ron, wake up!" Hermione hissed again, this time her voice a little louder. Ron mumbled something, seemingly only half awake. Groaning in frustration, she felt no remorse whatsoever as she pushed against his body, causing him to roll and fall out of bed.

With a loud thud he ended up the ground, and Hermione shot a quick glance around, to see who woke up from that. She saw Neville and Seamus stir in their bed, and with the loud hissing from Ron, Dean woke up as well.

"Hermione? What in the world are you doing here?" Ron asked, his annoyance not cared for to be hidden. He groaned as he got up, massaging the spot on the back of his head where he had fallen to the ground. "Ron, they're here."

"What are you talking about? Who's here?" Looking around in the darkness, her eyes landed on Neville, who had seemed to have woken up enough to follow their conversation.

"You were right, Ron. He's one of them. And they're here. The Death Eaters." This seemed to awaken the four boys completely, and simultaneously they jumped out of bed, reaching for their wands.

As if on cue, they could hear Bellatrix's high pitched laughter, a shrieking sound that echoed off the castle walls. All of them taking this as their moment to use what they have been training for last year, they left the Gryffindor Tower and followed Bellatrix's laughter down the castle.

The guidance of Bellatrix was no longer necessary when they reached the Entrance Hall, where an ordeal of lightning were illuminating the scene. Dozens of Death Eaters were fighting against the Order, Killing curses blandly thrown by the Death Eaters.

Joining the fight, she threw a Stunning curse at one of the Death Eaters fighting Lupin, and he gave her a grateful nod before turning to another one, Hermione doing the same thing. This experience outweighed anything they had been through the last few years, bodies falling here and there beside her. And she had no second to waste to take a break and see who it was, or else she'd be joining them on the floor.

But what didn't escape her notice when fighting off one of the Death Eaters, was a small group of people making their way outside, heading straight to the Astronomy Tower. And Draco was among them.

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