Chapter 28

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They had finished the dishes rather quickly, and by now the time was for him to head back home. His parents had no idea where exactly he had gone off to, and he had merely said he went to walk around a bit to get some fresh air and leave the house. Well, they both understood that longer than two hours, that he had spent at her place, he wouldn't spend walking around.

Draco had said his goodbyes to her parents, although he had lingered just a few more seconds as he stared curiously at the television, and then he walked with her to the front door. Hermione sighed as she knew that she wouldn't see him for a long while after today, well, not in real life that was. There were only so many walks Draco Malfoy would take outside in his life, and only so many times that his parents would believe him.

Since they both felt no need to confront his parents with the news that they were now dating yet, they had silently agreed to only keep the visit at a one time thing. At least the prospect of knowing that she would see him after the vacation kept her spirits high.

Both having stood frozen on their places – Hermione in the doorway and Draco outside staring back at her – they both coughed awkwardly, at loss at what to say. Draco grumbled inaudibly to himself, but the thoughts he had soon made clear what he was grumbling about. We really need to stop being so awkward. It's not like me and I don't like it a bit.

Hermione chuckled lightly, nodding in agreement. I think it's pretty cute, though. Draco Malfoy, all blushy and awkward. She teasingly said, and it earned her a hard glare from him, removing all previous awkwardness. Mission accomplished.

"Well, I'll see you around, I guess." He said, and Hermione nodded in agreement, although the words sounded rather lame. Biting her lips, she watched as he turned around and walked a bit up ahead, trying to get out of the light so he could apparate.

Knowing she only had one chance, she moved from her spot and grabbed his wrist. "Wait." She exclaimed, yet tried to keep her voice down as best as she could. Draco turned around, a little taken by surprise to being stopped from leaving. Without bothering to explain herself, she let go of his wrist and let her lips connect with his, smiling into the kiss as she welcomed the still rather unknown softness of his lips.

As he overcame his initial surprise, he warmed up to her kiss and wrapped his own arms around her waist as she flung her arms around his neck for support, gladly accepting the slight raise in her stand he was offering with his hands. She had always been rather short, and especially compared to him. That had already been proven the first day their connection began, and it most certainly hadn't changed a bit a year later now that they were kissing.

And even though he was bowing his head forth as much as he could, she still had to stand on her toes, which she had to admit, were really beginning to hurt. So, reluctantly she broke the kiss, a smile planted on her face as one of his own made it to his. That kiss was something she had wanted to do ever since the last one they shared two weeks ago.

"Goodnight, Hermione." Letting go of each other, she smiled back at him and watched as he disapparated soon after those words. Goodnight, Draco. She said, and made her way back inside.

"So, Draco, wasn't it?" Her mother began as Hermione walked into the living room, taking a seat next to her parents on the couch. "He seems like a nice boy." Hermione nodded in agreement, a faint smile on her lips.

"And of good wealth too, I heard." Her father jumped in, and Hermione shrugged. "I suppose, yes. But that's not the reason we're together, though." She assured them, and they both chuckled. "We figured you didn't care about the money, dear." Her mother replied, and Hermione smiled at that.

Excusing herself and saying that she was off to bed, she hugged them both goodnight and made her way up the stairs, retreating into her own bedroom. So, how were the Muggles? Hermione asked with a smile on her face, changing into her pajamas and hopping into her bed.

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