Chapter 34

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Slamming her books shut the minute the bell rang, she hurried out of the History of Magic classroom as she tried to keep up with Draco – who had been sitting near the door for the entire class, having stared absentmindedly in front of him, all the while trying to avoid making eye contact with her – really wanting to get some answers from him.

But as she stepped foot outside of the classroom – having been held up by a group of students chatting in the doorway – she saw his blond locks disappear right around the corner, and she halted her pace with a disappointed sigh. He couldn't keep on doing that for the rest of their relationship. Running away from any kind of problems while ignoring her with all he had in him.

Deciding she'll confront him about that when she actually found a time to be able to talk to him, she instead made her way to the Great Hall for some dinner. Not that she was hungry in any kind of way, but she also knew that she had to eat something. It was already bad enough how much stress and worry she got from Draco's behaviour, so it was important that she'd at least take good care of her body.

Not long after she sat down at the Gryffindor table and had gotten herself a good plate of rice and peas did she get a letter dropped almost in her water by an owl who couldn't be bothered to sit down for a bit and calmly hand it to her, but instead dropped it mid air and flew away again.

Picking it up, she immediately recognized Harry's cursive handwriting, and eagerly opened the envelope, hoping to get some positive response to the letter she had sent him the other day.

Dear Hermione,

Blimey, it hasn't even been a week. I'm on it, though. Next week my Auror training shall begin. As for my own place, no, haven't found anything yet. But I'm looking through Diagon Alley, and think I spotted a nice apartment there for a good price.

I dropped by your parents' house today, and put the necessary enchantments up like requested. So far I didn't find anything unusual, neither any trace of magic, but I'll keep you updated in case anything happens.

Hope everything's going all right at school, and the best wishes from the Weasleys and Ron. Talking about the latter, he wanted to know if you and the ferret already broke up. His words, by the way, not mine.



Relieved to read that at least now her parents' were somewhat safer, she decided to tuck the letter away into her bag, not wanting to reply to it just yet. Draco and she weren't stable in their relationship at the moment, and it felt wrong to write that everything was going all right between the two of them. Neither did she really feel like writing back about what bothered her about his behaviour, knowing that they either wouldn't care or that Ron would write a hearty letter back saying that he told her so.

"Hermione," a gentle voice said, and Hermione turned her head to the side as she watched Ginny squeezing her body in between her and a poor fourth year Gryffindor boy who was previously enjoying his dinner. "Everything okay?" The witch said, a sincere worried expression hinted on her face.

About to form a smile on her face, she stopped midway when Ginny shot her a threatening look. "Don't lie to me. I can see it in everything, something's not right." Heaving a sigh, she shot a look around the Great Hall. As far as she could see they all seemed too emerged in their own conversations to bother paying attention to the two girls, but Hermione didn't want to risk the chance of anyone hearing, and so she jerked her head to the entrance. "Come with me."

The two girls walked out of the Great Hall, with Hermione leaving her dinner plate still half untouched, and rounded the corner as they walked out of the castle and into the entrance courtyard.

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