Chapter 18

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A good week had passed in Grimmauld Place in which they had spoken to Kreacher, Lupin had visited, they had passed their good fair amount of boredom, and where they had finally come up with a plan to get the locket.

Only problem was the location in which is was kept: The Ministry of Magic. Problems have greatly escalated in their momentary stay to find the locket, and escaping had been an entirely different story. They barely made it, and due to the fact that the Death Eater Yaxley had gotten a hold on Hermione when she apparated to Grimmauld Place, they had no choice but to leave there and bring themselves to a forest to go in hiding.

Ron had it the worst of them all, his upper arm was badly Splinched, and Hermione sparked orders at Harry as she tried to calm the spluttering Ron down. "Quickly!" She yelled at Harry, who was taking too long for her liking as she watched Ron's struggle getting weaker and weaker.

At last he came running with the Dittany in his hand, and as quick as she could she let three drops fall into his open wounds, watching in relief as the bleeding stopped and new flesh was forming over the wound. Getting up, she wiped her bloodied hands on her clothes and got up to set a couple of protective charms.

After Harry was done questioning her, they had agreed to stay here and Harry was setting up the tent on her orders. You're all complete idiots for exposing yourselves like that. Draco scoffed in her mind, but she paid him no mind. Whether it was a foolish plan or not, it had been needed. Placing the last protective charm, she hoped that this would be enough for now to keep them safe and out of Voldemort's hands.

"Help me get him up." Hermione said to Harry as she approached Ron, who was weakly leaning on his good elbow to look at what they were doing. With some struggle they managed to hoist him up and get him to the tent, where they placed him on one of the beds.

And now what? You're just gonna stay there in the woods like that? Draco asked incredulously. It's not like we have a choice, do we? She countered, and heaved a sigh. It was already going to be difficult enough to let themselves be so exposed in the woods without being found – even though she had put up protective enchantments – but Ron's injury was going to make things a whole lot more difficult.

"So, have you got it?" Harry asked, and Hermione was momentarily confused on what she had. "The locket?" He asked, a little taken aback that she forgot why they just escaped. Realization dawned on her, and she felt a little stupid for forgetting. "Right, yes, I got it." Hermione said, handing it over to Harry.

Ron took his turn looking at it, and his brows furrowed together. "So how do we open this thing?" Hermione shared a look with both of them, and then shrugged. She knew of many things, but these Horcruxes were dark magic, and she had never bothered to look further into that. Which made this one of the first times that she was as clueless as the boys on what to do.

Trying every spell they knew, the locket still remained closed and unharmed, and Hermione released a soft frustrated groan. If they really were going to hunt down every Horcrux and they still didn't know how to destroy it, then things really were going to be a lot more difficult.

Eventually they just gave up and decided to keep it safe for now until they figured out how to destroy it, and got to work on keeping them alive. Harry went outside to find some food, and Hermione sat outside the tent to take watch.

You won't be able to hide there forever, you do know that, don't you? Hermione tensed, feeling the annoyance slipping in. No need to remind me. A few seconds of silence, but then he continued. I'm just saying. They were already on your trail when you were in a house, let alone when you're in the open like that. Everyone's out looking for Potter – there's only so long you can escape them.

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