Chapter 44

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Hermione groaned, not quite able to make out where she was as she woke up, until she slowly opened her eyes and let her bedroom walls greet her. No matter how many times she had left for Hogwarts and had returned, the first night sleeping in her own bed always got her disoriented.

Stretching her arms over her head, she suppressed a loud yawn as her eyes landed on a bundled up body laying in the corner of her room – blanket thrown half on the ground and his face disappeared in his pillow. Smiling to herself, she dragged her feet out of her bed and drew the curtains aside, allowing a gentle ray of sunshine into her room, at last ending on Draco's face – who stirred at the sudden brightness.

Humming, the said boy lifted his head from his pillow as he turned to his other side, now completely disregarding his blanket as it slipped off the mattress and landed on the ground with a soft thud. Chuckling, she rested her shoulder against the wall, watching as his chest rose and fell in slow movements.

With the morning sun and his cuddled up posture, he looked so innocent and pure, as if no harm had been done to him in the cruel eighteen years of his life. It almost saddened her as she knew that once he would wake up, all that has now been pushed aside in his unconscious, would come rushing back and all the peace will be left from his body.

Nonetheless, this was their life. Both the good and the bad. And yes, so far they might have had more bad years than good, but really, they were still very young. After all, they still have their entire life in front of them. And more importantly, they have the rest of their life together. So she knew she had to wake him up. And if not for making it a good day, well, then at least for having breakfast. Because it was seriously time for breakfast, as it was past eleven in the morning.

"Wake up, sunshine." Hermione chuckled as the boy remained motionless, completely oblivious to her words. "Draco," she said, gentle nudging him with her foot, beyond too lazy to bend down and do it with her hand. She had only just awoken herself, after all.

With a jolt he woke up, quickly turning to his other side, then visibly relaxed as he saw that it was just her. Giving him a sad smile, she knew she had been right. As soon as he were to wake, all the bad from prior years would come crashing back. "'Morning." She offered, waiting for him to finish his yawn and getting up.

"Are you sure it's still morning?" Draco asked, his voice groggy as one eye shut close as he looked outside the window, watching the sun that had risen all the way up in the sky. "For now it is." She said, nodding at the clock on her wall.

He ruffled his hair, and she couldn't help but laugh as the back of his head eerily resembled her bird's nest whenever she woke up. As well dressed and done up as he was when fully awake, when just woken up, he looked just as normal as any one else. "Don't make fun of my morning hair, Granger." Draco sneered, though a teasing smile followed immediately after. "Or what?" She challenged, biting her lip as she grinned. "Or I'll make sure you'll regret it for the rest of your life." He replied, closing in on her with a forming smirk.

"And how are you planning to do that?" With one last step he had closed the distance, and pulled her into a kiss without a second thought, grabbing her wrists as he turned their bodies sideways so he could press her back into the bookshelf. Yet, before he could answer they were immediately pulled apart as Draco took a hurried step away from her, turning his head to the doorway at the same time as her. "Oh, sorry dears, I- I, um, just came to see if you'd like some breakfast."

Feeling her cheeks redden, she brushed a hand through her hair as she looked at her mother, unable to keep the embarrassment from her voice as she answered her. "We'll be right down, Mum, thanks." With that her mother nodded and quickly hurried away, clearly as uncomfortable with the situation as she and Draco were. Well, at least it wasn't her dad that walked in on them.

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