Chapter 43

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Hermione took a deep breath of fresh air as she hopped off the Hogwarts train, the last time she would ever depart from it. Draco? Hermione asked, trying to look around the huddling mass of students pouring out of the train, but failing to notice the blond locks of her boyfriend. Right behind you.

Wheeling around, she saw that he was indeed exactly right behind her. To be more precise, he was literally pressed into her as more students tried to make their way out of the crowd and find their parents. Speaking of which, she grabbed Draco's hand and guided him over the platform, and huffed a stray strand of hair out of her face when they had finally reached a spot where it wasn't as crowded.

Walking through the wall that led to King Cross station, she waved at her parents that were waiting patiently near one of the billboards on the platform, both content smiles on their faces as they watched the couple approach. "Hello, honey, how has your year been?" Her mother greeted, taking Hermione into a hug and thus forcing her to let go of Draco's hand. "It's been really good, Mum. How has yours been?"

"Same old same old." Her mother dismissed, then grinned as she continued. "Oh, sweetheart, I am so proud of you for passing your exams! When we got the owl, we screamed so hard in delight that the neighbours came by to see if we were all right." Hermione chuckled as she hugged her dad, who patted her shoulder in pride. "We have no idea what the letters are for, though. But I'm sure it means that you did great."

Hermione gave a quick sideways glance at Draco, who stood very awkwardly at a good distance from the family. "Yes, you could say that." Her parents followed her gaze, and her mother was the first to chat him up. "Did you pass as well?" Draco offered her a polite smile, nodding in the process. "Yes, ma'am."

Biting her lip, she tried really hard not to release a laugh at his proper manners. Ma'am, really? "Oh, that's wonderful!" Her mother exclaimed, and without a chance to prepare himself, she wrapped her arms around a very shocked Malfoy, who managed to awkwardly pat her mother's back just in time before she pulled away again. Shut it, Granger. Just because I'm no longer a proud holder of the Malfoy name, doesn't mean I lost all my manners.

"Let's get you two home, shall we?" Her dad offered, and with a nod of the two, they followed him out of the train station. Good thing, too. I think the reason why my parents like you so much is because of your manners.

That, and my irresistible charm, of course. Hermione shot him a glare, only to be met with a smug smirk that was plastered on his face. Just too bad that you have such a massive ego. With feigned hurt he put a hand across his chest. Ouch. Hermione teasingly stuck her tongue out at him, and followed her parents to their car.

When they arrived at her parents' place, Hermione quickly excused her and Draco from her parents, and the both of them walked up the stairs and into her bedroom. "I know it's not a lot of space, but it'll have to do for the time being." Hermione apologized as she looked around her room.

It wasn't exactly a very small bedroom she had, after all, she had space enough to walk around it, but when you would put two people in it, then the space was bound to run out. "As if I care." Draco dismissed, placing his trunk near the bedroom door. "Sweetheart?" Turning around at her father's voice, she watched as he came walking up the stairs. "How about I get you his sleeping supplies?"

"That'd be great, thanks, Dad." Hermione smiled, and waited patiently until her father dragged all of it into her room. "If you need anything else, just let me know." Hermione nodded gratefully, and with a pat on Draco's shoulder, her father left the room.

He had been kind enough to carry a mattress, a pillow, and a blanket into her bedroom for Draco, because even if her parents would have allowed him to sleep in the same bed as her, there was no way that it would ever fit. Even though her bed was great to sleep in, there was no denying it that it was specifically meant for one person only. No arguable space left.

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