Chapter 26: I Have An Eternity

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We all went over to the Salvatore living room and Kat and I sat opposite to each other in the background while Paul and Ian did a scene.

Kat and I were talking normally, we made it look like we were getting to know each other because that's what Megan and Bonnie were doing.

"So, I think this is the part where you look at Ian and blush." Kat reminded me, still in character. I chuckled and looked over at Ian while Kat kept saying something I wasn't paying much attention to. Ian was already looking at me and he smirked playfully but the emotion didn't got to his eyes. His eyes looked worried, like if some one told him something bad was going to happen but he already knew it. Nina walked in.

"I'm gonna call Jeremy." She said holding up her cellphone and walking over to the couch, where she sat down beside Kat and wrapped her arm around her on a friendly manner, which she returned.

"No." Said Kat too quickly. "I'll take care of it." She said more calmly. "So where are you going now, Megan?" Asked Kat, eager to change the subject, getting everyone's attention and giving it to me.

"Well, my work here is clearly done so...home, I guess." I said. I turned my head towards Ian. "You up for the road trip?" I asked him, knowing that Megan doesn't have a car and the only way she could leave, was the only way she came in the first place. Ian looked at me and hid his previous look with a smile that reached his eyes this time.

"As long as you're my shot gun..." He said like it was a condition which was ironic, cause Megan would be the only one in the car. But, coming from Damon and knowing what the both had gone through, it made perfect sense.



Over at the set where Ian and I met, Damon's car, Ian and I were going to film a scene together.

I was looking out the window so I couldn't see when Ian reached to the back seat and grabbed an envelope with all the research on Megan, but I turned my face to him when he slightly made the envelope tap my shoulder to get my attention. I suspiciously took the envelope from his hands after looking at his eyes for a 'green light' which was planted on his gaze as he looked at me with a look that said 'Go ahead. Take it'.

I opened the envelope to make sure my suspicions were correct and then asked. "What's all this for?"

"You're going back home but you're gonna want to take a look at that sooner or later. I'm giving you a head start." He said.

"You want me to investigate about my parents?" I asked.

He nodded. "And you'll want to do it too once you start reading." He assured me.

"And what are you going to do?" I asked him. He looked a bit confused, mostly fake confusion, hiding his feelings as usual.

"What do you mean?" He asked, deflecting. He stopped looking at the empty road to fully watch me and interlock our eyes. My look said everything and his look went serious in defeat knowing that he wouldn't be able to deflect this anymore. He didn't spoke, but his hand left the wheel and landed on my knee, squeezing slightly. This conversation felt like a conversation we would soon have in real life. His look returned to the road but his hand never left its hold on me.


Later, we filmed some extra shots of Ian opening the door for me, us walking towards the house, me opening the door, some 'eye conversation' -this director's version of 'eye sex'- and Ian coming in after me. That took about an hour. After, we got ready for the scenes inside the house. When they called 'action', Ian closed the door looking everywhere with a confused expression while I deposited my bag on the nearest table and turned around to notice his confusion. I looked questionably at him and he answered my unspoken question.

"I wasn't invited in..." He said. "Who owns this place?"

"...Technically nobody." I answered. "I pay rent so the place belongs to no one." I said on a explanatory tone.

"That explains......a lot." He said.

There were a few seconds of awkward silence and then we both started talking at the same time, which made us stop talking abruptly at the same time, which made us both chuckle. He looked at me expectantly for me to start talking, so I did.

"About my parents....I'm gonna look more into it." I said. "I assume whoever did this is still around, young, alive. That is, of course, 'till I find him." I ended on a sarcastic remark and a small and quick smirk, which he responded. He still looked a bit disappointed, as if he was expecting me to say something else. His gaze went down to the floor before I continued. "And when I do," his face came back up filled with hope. "I'll find you." I finished with a flash of a small smile.

His face lit up with excitement as he walked over to me. When we were inches apart, he took my face in his hands and I gave myself over to the touch of his hands on my face and to the touch of his lips against mine which didn't took long to experience.

We embraced onto each other. My hands found their way to Ian's waist and held him close, no escape. This was the first time I held Ian this close and felt his soft and warm lips against mine today. As unprofessional as it may sound, I allowed my need for him to be satisfied for as long as my subconscious could handle it without losing all professionalism left in me. Ian had total control of me when his hands caressed my cheek to the corner of my lip while kissing me.

Sadly, he pulled away soon after, but he kept his face close to mine, our foreheads laying onto each other while our breathing came to a normal rhythm once more. I could feel his gaze on my eyes but I was focus on his perfectly shaped lips, amazed at how they fit into mine with the same level of perfection and wanting more.

"Or...." He said caressing my face once again. "Just make sure not to die and I will find you." He said. The hand laying on my face traveled all the way down my arm and took a hold of my hand, which he kissed with as much sweetness and passion as he kissed my lips, his eyes locked on mine. He walked to the door and opened it to walk out and I spoke.

"Until we meet again." I said as a farewell. He turned around, the door already opened and half of his body already out.

"I have an eternity" he said. With a wink and a smirk, he was out the door and I was left with the ghost of his presence and the coldness on my lips, aching for his touch.


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