Chapter 2: See You Soon, Darling

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A few weeks had passed now and I've just lived normally. I've been going to band practice. Rated B finally got a gig. I was able to convince the owner of this bar I work at. But, quite frankly, I think she allowed it only because she's my aunt.

We even got an opportunity to play at a club because the guy who owns it was at the bar that night. So... life hasn't been bad to me this past few weeks.

I was working at my aunt's bar as a waitress today. I wouldn't say that's the only thing I do there though. I'm pretty much all over the place. Sometimes, I'm a waitress. Others, a bartender. And, occasionally, the entertainment, but I am by myself on stage more than I am with the band.

I was cleaning the counter very cliché like when I heard my name.

"Oh my god, Veronica, is that you?"

I rose my eyes from the cloth in my hands, looked to my right and there she was. A tall, skinny, beach blond girl that I swear I have seen before.....

Alice! From high school. does she remembers me? I shook that thought off when I noticed I was just staring at her.

"Hey, Alice! How ya' been?"

"Good so far." She said before showing me the cover of the book she was holding. It read 'Psychology'. "Can't complain. How 'bout you?" She asked.

Of course, I didn't had any fancy college books to brag about...

I shrugged and said "Oh know...the usual" as I waved the cloth around.

I think she understood that as a 'I see you're making yourself a future. While I, however, am throwing mine away'.....with a smile.

Let's just say conversation went down hill from there. The only thing I could look forward to right now is dance practice.

I like to go to a friend of mine's dance studio. I mean, I am no Step Up material but I have learned a thing or two in the past few years thanks to my friend Miranda, who owns her own dance studio and has a dance crew which I am a part of.

Right now, I was on my way to the studio for practice. When I got there, I quickly said 'hello' to everybody and said 'hi' to Miranda with a quick hug before I ran to the back room to change. I saw on my phone I had a text from Alex.

'In the mood for pizza. How 'bout it?'

'Sure! I'll pick it up on my way home though. At practice right now. Ttyl!'

With that, I put my phone underneath my clothes in my locker and head back out to everybody.

After stretching and warm ups, we started working on a new choreography. The song was very energetic and had all kinda of beats that we could follow so we were all over the place with new ideas, new dace steps and tricks. But only the boys and I can do the tricks. Breakdancing just wasn't for everyone. I can barely keep up with what the guys do but I'm a fast learner. That's how I know so much about ballet, jazz, hip hop, break dance and everything I could create along does lines. Sometimes I even combine things that I wouldn't even dream about. Or just do something random and out of place with the guys that would make our nights.

We started practice at about 6:30pm. It was 8:56 when we stopped and started saying our goodbyes. When everyone left, I went to the back room to get my stuff. I knew I had to get the pizza for Alex so I didn't even looked at my phone, I just closed the bag with it in it.

In the pizza place, I was about to pay when I heard a girl squealing.

"Omg!! She's sooo lucky"

Normal, I suppose. She was staring at her phone so it could be anything and I really didn't care, not when there's pizza in the picture. I took the pizza, my change and receipt and I was on my way.

Once there, Alex received me, or should I say, received the pizza with a 'hello. I've been waiting for you' it seriously sounded like she was talking to a dog.

I went to shower after we ate. Once out, I putted on my pijamas and started emptying my bag. Dirty uniform from work, shoes, sweaty phone.

It was sending flashing lights nonstop. Notification after notification. Some from Instagram. Some from Facebook and Twitter. They were appearing so fast I could barely read a couple before I unlocked my phone.

I went straight to Instagram where I had a notification saying someone tagged me.

@iansomerhalder : Congratulations to the lucky winner @Vero1996 I can't thank all the people who donated enough. I am grateful for every single one of you. And to the winner: see you soon, darling ;)

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