Chapter 9: Break Time, Interview and Group Scene

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I can't imagine what's going on in Paul's head after witnessing that. I do not want to know the things he thought he saw or what he told the others. But I do wonder, how long has he been standing on the doorway looking at Ian and I? Enough to understand we were just practicing a scene, I hope.

Ian and I were picking up our things form the coffee table and he commented on my music taste.

"You don't seem like the rocker type."

"Then I definitely don't seem like the lead-guitarist-of-a-band type either, do I?" He understood the message perfectly.

"No way. Are you for real?" I simply nodded my head, very proud of myself. Which was weird. I've never been so proud of having a band with possibly no future. Even though we could rock the world, the world just doesn't listens. "Cool."

We were on our way to the break room and, I was glad at least one of us knew the way because, for me, every wall of every corner and every door on every wall, looked the same.

We got to the break room and it was fairly crowed. It was a room like any other, except for the fact that it had a kitchen corner with all the fridge-microwave-food deal, a full sized table, two couches and a flat screen Tv hooked on the wall with all kinds of video games. It didn't surprised me seeing Steven, Michael and Zach on the couches, each with an Xbox controller in hand. Kat and Nina were sitting on the big table while Candice and Paul were standing by the counter on the kitchen corner. When we walked in, everyone looked at us for a second before a wave of greetings came over us, which we responded to. Ian went over to Paul and Candice while I preferred to go were the sound of gunshots and missiles being fired came from.

I took a seat beside Steven on one of the couches while Michael and Zach occupied the other. After Zach had died a fair amount of times I jumped in to play and hell brook loose. It was a free for all and I had the top kills.

"Damn, girl! Where did you come from?" Michael said surprised.

"A family with an older brother and your worst alpha male nightmare." I said which gained me some laughs from the guys.

"I officially like her." Said Zach.

"She has the McQueen seal of approval" said Steven. I laughed.

"You guys sure know what to say to a girl to make her feel special" I said sarcastically and all three of them laughed.

"Hey Veronica! Come, let's take a picture!" Said Kat, from her spot at the table. I stood up from the couch and gave the controller to Zach.

"Take over, Roerig. Redeem yourself."

"Will do, missy" said Zach, only to have his hopes destroyed by Michael when he said 'yeah right'. I just kept walking until I got to the table and took a seat beside Kat.

Now with the sound of those three 'fighting' in the background, I looked to the phone in front of me as Kat's face and mine appeared on screen. Just then, Kat gave a big wide pretty smile while I opted for something more settled like a grin.

"So..... You and Ian, huh." Kat said after she complemented our picture, saying to look out for it on Instagram later. It was so obvious that the picture was just an excuse to talk to me about what was really on her mind.

"Ian and I what?" I asked, completely clueless. Nina got into the conversation.

"You know what she's talking about. It's okay. You can tell us." Kat was the next one to speak.

"A little birdie told us you were really comfortable on your new dressing room." Kat gave me a 'you-know-what-I-mean' look. Oh god, what kind of atrocities has Paul told them?

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