Chapter 25: You're Welcome...

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The next day on set, it was all about Megan's little scenes. But first, Paul and Nina did a scene together.

They were in the Salvatore living room.


"It's been a few weeks!" Nina said annoyed. "And still noting! I mean, bringing Bonnie back is what she's here for in the first place!"

"Look, I know it might be stressing for you," Paul said, always the mediator. "But she is also struggling." He said. "If absorbing all that much power wasn't enough for her, try learning to live with it. She needs to know all her new strength. Learn how to control it. Find her limits. And to top it off, she needs to make sure they're not the death of her. That might take more than expected but, you know what? I don't mind. 'Cause with all she's going through right now, the last we can do is rush her." Paul said and walked away.


"Hey." It was a whisper but it still made me jump an look back to Ian. "Show time." He said and walked me to our set.

There was no dialogue on this scene and I think the editors will show this scenes in parts. But it started with Megan and Damon on his room.

We stood in front of each other and Ian took a pillow in his hands before they said 'Action'. When they did, Ian gave a 'are you ready?' look and I responded with a reassuring half smile and a single nod of my head. He threw the pillow into the air above us when I closed my eyes. One of the crew members was on a latter that the camera couldn't see above us and caught the pillow. Special FX at its finest. The oldest trick in the book. After a couple of seconds I opened one of my eyes and looked around. Ian had a confused look on his face and shrugged his shoulders. I looked up, looking for the pillow and he did the same. Them he started laughing and I gave him a glare. His look became flirtatious and he came close to me, putted his finger bellow my chin and leaned in to kiss me.

Before the kiss got too heated, the pillow fell back down to hit my head which broke the kiss. Ian pulled back and started laughing again. I gave him a look and made a movement with my hands to push him back but I didn't touched him. The director said 'cut' and Ian went over to the marked couch where he prepared for the next take.


He fell down on the couch. He looked taken aback but smirked quickly catching up to Megan's intentions. I locked his way out with my body, laying one knee on either side of him and taking his face in my hands. I leaned into him fast and passionately and he responded the same way. His hands traveled through my body and landed on my thighs.

He got up incredibly fast and walked over to the bed which he let me fall into without disconnecting our lips. My body made a low sound as it fell into the bed and we kept kissing passionately.


For the last part of the scene, I had to go get changed. I wore a tube top and short shorts to fake Megan was naked underneath the sheets...yeah it went there. They provided me with a robe until I got to set. When I got there, Ian was laying on the bed with the sheets covering half on his exposed chest, he was listening to the director giving him directions.

I took my robe off and one of the P.A.'s offered to take it so I gave it to her. Ian was laying on the backboard of the bed when he saw me. His eyes opened wide while traveling all over my body.
I got into bed and sat cross-legged with the sheets covering my chest.


I was 'meditating' with my eyes closed for a few seconds. I felt Ian's warm lips against my exposed shoulder as he kissed it. Still with my eyes closed, I raised one eyebrow as he kept kissing, making his way to my neck. Before he did, I heard a pillow being smashed into Ian's head and I smirked. It soon turned into a smile that I did my best to hide when he laid back on the bed rather loudly.



On the next scene, Stefan was speaking on the phone with Damon about Elena's behavior and Megan's situation. When they called 'action', Paul started talking. I was behind a wall on the Salvatore living room set, waiting for my cue.

"We might have I problem...-No, she's fine. It's about Elena....-Well you should. She's starting to get a bit...impatient...-Yeah I know that but she doesn't gets that...-More like jealous...-Nothing. I'll see what I come up with..." He said to the phone. That was cue to appear and take Paul by surprise.

He turned around and looked like he wasn't expecting me to be there.

"I'm ready..." I said.



We were on the cemetery set, ready to shot the Bonnie-saving scene. Paul and Nina were with me and Ian was going to arrive at the beginning of the scene.

"Action!" I was getting everything ready. Once I did, I stood up just as Ian came jogging towards us...or mainly me. He help my arm and looked right into my eyes.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked. I just nodded and stroked his face reassuringly.

And with that, I kneed down in front of my tools and started chanting. The crew members turned on a huge fan and fake leafs flew everywhere as my chanting became louder and more powerful.

We had to do two more takes. One of the chanting, but I had white contacts lenses, for which I opened my eyes and kept chanting louder. And another where Bonnie is standing in front of us. She looked at Nina, Paul and Ian surprised but when her gaze landed on me, her eyes became curious.

"Who are you?" She asked.

I responded with a rusty yet sarcastic voice and I made it look as if my legs were weak which made Ian come to my side and held me up with one hand on my shoulder and the other on my waist. "....You're welcome."

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