Chapter 31: Let Me Show You...

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I stood there. Frozen.

Was he doing what I thought he was doing?

I would have ran away if I could move at all. Don't get me wrong. I am in love with this man but it's hard for me to believe the feeling is mutual. He just seems so in-control all the time, capable of laying the world at his feet with just one smile. And I'm just standing in the corner. What could possibly be appealing for him? What makes me special?

My heart started pumping again and I exhaled a breath that I didn't knew I was holding when he opened the little box. Undeniably, there was a ring inside. But it wasn't what I thought.

Instead, in the little open box hid a black band-ring shaped in a Batman symbol.

I looked at Ian and he read my eyes expertly. He knew what I thought and, before he could start laughing, I pushed him away from me, laughing at my stupidity. He went a step back and quickly grabbed my arm so I moved with him and landed plainly on his chest with my head hiding on his neck as he hugged me. His hands were surrounding the back of my neck and mine were wrapped around him. Now we were both laughing.

When we pulled away, I took the ring-box from Ian's hand, closed it and put it in my coat pocket. I turned around to open the door and as my hand took the door nob, Ian's hand covered mine. I looked over my shoulder to him and he planted a kiss on my lips. I smiled into it and when we pulled away, I was glad to find Ian's lips without a lip stain. Thank god my lipstick has faded a bit so it didn't stained him.


The rest of the night was filled with dancing, picture taking, and every once in a while when we needed some fresh air, we would go out and do some press. By now, I've been seen with all the cast and had done press with them all at some point. Ian told me Paul and Trevino had loaded my presents to Ian's car for when I wanted to leave.

On our way to my hotel, I started reading some articles about the show on my phone and my curiosity was pointed towards one in specific.


I looked to my left and found a very focused-on-the-road Ian which made me sure that I could read this without him knowing.

' Just a few days before Halloween, we spotted the handsome Ian Somerhalder on a shopping trip accompanied by a mysterious woman. After a few minutes, we later found out the identity of this person. None other than Veronica Brooks. We all remember her, right? Wouldn't blame you if you didn't. She was the winner of the famous contest which would provide the lucky winner an opportunity to be featured on an episode of the hit Tv show, The Vampire Diaries. We've all seen how close of a friendship she has developed with her temporal workmates by now thanks to all the social media. Even Ian himself has made that pretty clear:" @iansomerhalder: What a talented and dedicated woman this is, on and off-camera. Everyone is blown away by her, myself included. Keep amazing the world with your talents, just like you have amazed me. " Now the question is... Is friendship the only thing going on between these two? '

I kept scrolling down where a few pictures were featured. Most of them were from when we were walking around looking for our costumes. I was wearing Ian's Fedora hat and, on one of them, Ian's shoulder was over mines. Of course, the pictures came along with captions saying how 'friendly' we looked. Bellow that, were all the Instagram pictures Ian has posted related to me.

I gave a look at Ian. He was still focus on the road ahead with a hand wrapped around mine. He gave it a little squeeze as I opened the comments.

' What could he possibly see on her? '

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