Chapter 23: Costume Shopping-Part Two

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After we ate, we went back to costume hunting and I decided I would be The Joker. Since my costume would take a bit longer to find, we decided to get Ian's first. He wanted to be Batman, which made my day.

He looked extremely handsome with the costume on. The only thing he wasn't enthusiastic about was the mask and I agreed, although it made his eyes look more vibrant. The tight fitting fabric hugged his body incredibly well, accentuating his toned arms and the rest of his body like a second skin.

"What do you think?" He asked while putting on his left glove and looking over at the mirror on his left. I had my phone out already and snapped a picture while he wasn't looking but the sound of the camera click gave me away, having him look at me instantly and smirking.

"You can take that as an approval." I said.

He smirked at me on his way back to change to his original outfit and I proceeded to upload that picture onto Instagram and tagging him.

' @Vero1996: Dreams do come true. '

By the time Ian got out, I had thousands of likes already and a bunch of comments saying how hot Ian looked and asking why would I take a picture like that. If they only knew...

Ian bought the costume and then it was all about The Joker.

I was able to find a striped green corset-like shirt, striped purple skinny jeans and a striped purple coat that went all the way down to my knees.

Ian found a pair of high heels. He took a picture of them and tweeted them to me.

' @iansomerhalder: I double dare you @Vero1996. '

The heels were a dark green like the shirt and had studs on the back. I could see myself on the background of the picture so I knew the shoes were in this store. I found them, putted them on and took a picture. I tweeted Ian back.

' @Vero1996: @iansomerhalder You're on, mister. '

I had to admit. Heels were not my type of shoe. I was more of an old converse type of girl. Actually, growing up, I hated heels. But that does not mean I can't work them. After I sent the tweet, I saw Ian's reaction, a half smile and a shook of his head as he walk towards me. I stood up and walked over to a mirror where I could see my feet better. I could feel Ian's eyes watching my every move, amazed at how naturally I walked in heels.

When I got to the mirror, I stood in front of it and modeled the shoes to myself, from one side, then the other, raising the heel of my feet slightly to strike a little pose and Ian's eyes were still on me.

I turned around to face him when I saw his reflection getting closer than publicly acceptable.

"I'll take them." I said.


The whole outfit was ready now. There was only one thing left.

"Ian?" I called

"Yes?" He said as we kept walking around.

"I need make up." I said.

"No way. You look beautiful." He said and caressed my face with his fingers as we walked and then dropped his hand as if it were the most normal thing ever. That was a sweet gesture but that was not what I meant.

"No. I mean for Halloween." I said.

"Oh! Well let's get some." He answered.

We came across a Halloween store and, this time, I was the one who opened the door for him.

"Equality." I said responding to his questioning look. Seeing that the look didn't went away, I spoke on a different more threatening tone. "Get in." He laughed and walked in.

He noticed all the stuff I had on my basket after we walked a few aisles. Liquid latex, cotton balls, make up sponges, white water-based make up, red lipstick, green temporal hair dye, some pallets and a bunch of make up brushes.

"You know how to used all this?" He asked skeptically.

"Sure I do." I said proudly as we went to the cashier, she didn't looked older than 19.

The young woman looked up at me and her expression went from bored to surprised.

"Are you Veronica Brooks?" She asked. Did I went to high school with her? Shit. Is this going to be another of does awkward encounters like the one I had with Alice while working? I answered her a little nervously.

"Uh-yeah. Do I know you?" I asked her shyly.

"No. But I'm a fan of yours. I think the story of how you got discovered is truly inspiring. And I can't wait to see you on tv." She said with the hugest smile on her face. I answered that smile instantly and the girl's eyes went over to Ian on my left and back at me. She leaned forward a bit.

"Is it true about you two? Are you dating?" She asked. I laughed a little at her shy approach and Ian answered her for me.

"Ha!" He chuckled. "I wish." He said which earned a smile from the girl. She handed me the bags with my utensils inside and gave me the receipt saying a quick 'thank you' to which I answered with a smile and a 'you too'. As we were walking out, Ian insisted on taking my bag again but I rejected him nicely. He was already carrying three bags with my costume and another bag with his own. I didn't wanted to look like he was my servant or something. We walked back to his car which, surprisingly took less time than we thought.

It was 6pm when we arrived back at my hotel room. I putted all my bags away and Ian let his on his car.

Ian was laying on my bed with the hair dye on his hands, reading the instructions. I was sitting across from him on the bed, sketching the whole costume.

"So, you're really going for it, huh?" He asked motioning to the hair dye in his hands. I looked up from my sketchbook and saw him looking at me expectant.

"It's temporal after all." I said with a shrug of my shoulders. He chuckled at my lack of carrying for my hair. Now that I think about it, one package won't be enough for all my hair so maybe I'd have to just dye the top part and leave the rest on its natural light brown color.

Ian laid the hair dye on the nightstand behind him and crawled to where I was sitting to look at my drawing. It was just a woman wearing the clothes I bought with him just hours ago. She had green hair and red lips with a smile that grew ear to ear, literately. The entire drawing was black and white except for the woman's clothing and make up.

"You got some skills, you know?" He said and I chuckled. Ian's phone went off and he went over to it, reading a text message. "That's Julie." He informed me. "Scripts are ready. We should be able to pick them up tomorrow and shoot as much as we can." He said walking up to me and hugging me from behind with his chin resting on my shoulder. He kissed me on the cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow, gorgeous. Unless you want me to stay the night." He said and looked at me with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised.

I laughed. "That's okay. It was enough with the first time. And the receptionist still looks at me weird every time I walk out." I said. And he laughed.

"Alright then." He said and leaned in to my face and connected our lips on a soft, sweet and gentle kiss which I gladly responded to. He pulled away and moved his lips to my ear. "See you tomorrow, gorgeous." He whispered and made his way to the door. Gorgeous....was that my new nickname or something?

When I heard the door slam shot, I smiled widely to myself. It was hard for me to believe this was my life now. Or, at least, that this was going to be my life for as long as the shooting process for this last episode would be.

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