Chapter 20: Nothing's Wrong...

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The next morning, I took Alex to rent a car and then drove to set with her on my heals. She said she knew the way now so, from now on, I'd be meeting her in set.

Once I was camera ready, I went straight to set and let Alex to do her own thing, although she joined me on set and just observed with Paul close beside her.

I gave her a wide smile and then went into character, she responded with an excited smile and a fast wave of her hand.


I was sitting on the floor, eyes fixated on the scenario before me. Candles were all around me, a bowl filled with some herbs and fake blood was lighting on fire slowly as I 'worked my magic'. An old grimoire open beside me and I was taking a look at it from time to time. I almost jumped when Ian started talking from the other side of the room.

"How's that spell coming together?" He asked walking past me to his closet, where he started to unbutton his shirt.

"It's coming together." I said picking up what was suppose to be an amulet and showing it to him, without looking away from the grimoire. "This is only a cheap bracelet now, so we know the original spell worked." I looked up at him. "Do you mind?" I said when I saw he was about to take his shirt off. He looked at me.

"Not at all. You keep doing your thing." He said, although he knew that wasn't what I meant. He continued his quest of changing his shirt and I looked back down at my work, privatizing my eyes from his exposed flesh.

All my sense told me that Ian reacted with a smirk as he walked pass me to get another shirt, although I didn't dared to look up at him. I started chanting the words to the spell as he pulled out a T-shirt and putted on, covering all my distractions.

Once I was done with the chanting, I took a deep breath and opened my eyes to find Ian laying on his elbow on the bed watching over me, intrigued.

"It's done." I said.

"Yeah they all say that. But does it really work?" He said sarcastically. I stood up and grabbed the dead vervain plant and walked over to Damon's bed.

I laid face-down with my elbows to pull me up, my face close to Ian's. Our eyes met for a second before I closed my eyes and started chanting to give life to the vervain plant. I opened my eyes and Ian was looking at me, expecting something more. I placed the vervain on his bed and covered it with my hands. Once again, I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and started chanting the new spell. When I pulled my hand back, I revealed a dead vervain plant and this time, Ian's eyes were surprised and mine showed confidence.

"Alright, Poison Ivy." He said. A smirk grew on his face for the last line. "Let the show begin."

I smirk back at him just before they called 'Cut'.

We quickly moved to the Salvatore's living room set, where we were going to do a scene with more of the crew. Ian guided me all the way there with a hand on my lower back and I saw Paul smiling at Alex before stepping into set.

Penelope started the scene as soon as they called 'Action'.

"So did it worked?"

"It appears." I said. "So far I've tried to absorb my own magic. Succeeded. So I should be able to do the same with other people's magic. Unless, of course, you want to make sure." I said as I extended my hand for her to take so I could absorb her magic and she pulled back slightly, making me smirk.

"Wait." Nina said. "I still don't get it."

"That's the beauty of it." Ian jumped in. "You don't have to get it. But if you must," he sighed and continued talking. "Megan is now able to absorb magic. She basically turned herself into a female, smarter, better looking version of Kai. Which means....." He changed his tone into a curious tone and turned to look at me. "What exactly does it mean, B witch?"

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