Chapter 38: Last Episode and Band Drama

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I would say the convention was a success.

The flight back home was fairly normal.

Funny how I'm starting to call Georgia my home.

Truth is, wherever Ian was, that was home.

Lately, he looks like a huge weight from his shoulders has just disappeared. Finally, he could openly express himself without the pressure of not knowing wether or not I'd be ready to give up control. And by 'openly' I mean whenever we're alone.

Frankly, it started to be a daily pain having to keep this a secret. Not being able to kiss him or even touch him a certain way was getting the best of me. But, at the end of the day, it was all worthy. He was all worthy. And I made sure to let him know every night, before going to bed.

Wether it was by a phone call, or a text, or if I were lucky enough, face to face along with a good night kiss. I told him.

"Today was worth it."

Tonight, it had to be by a phone call so I couldn't see his face, but I could wear him chuckle.

"You said that last night." He said. "And the night after that. And the night after that. I'm sensing some sort of pattern." Sarcasm spiked his voice. "What's on your mind?"

I answered without a hint of hesitation. "You." I knew him well enough to now he was smirking.

"Then today was worth it." He said. "Go to sleep. Tomorrow's going to be a long day and I'm gonna take you with me."

"Fine." I said and hung up. Sense I was already wearing one of the shirt left behind by Ian, I just snuggled up to the bed and closed my eyes to be interrupted by my phone ringing shortly after. I picked up without bothering to see who it was. "Hello?"

I received an answer almost immediately. "I love you." I felt his smile all the way from the other end of the line when I answered as naturally as breathing before hanging up and going back to sleep.


He wasn't lying when he said it was going to be a long day.

Today, we- they were filming the finale. Everyone was a little emotional sense it would be the last episode Nina would be in. The girls were taking a selfie with watery eyes when I arrived. Their eyes shot my way and they all screamed my name in unison.

"Veronica!!!" I heard as they ran my way and the three of them embraced me on a group hug. I could swear they started crying again.

The four of us took a picture together and Nina insisted on having a picture taken with me.

Through the day, there were a few tears shed between takes and more pictures taken. I stood aside when they were filming the Delena dancing scene on the street, until Ian called me over for help with the routine. Julie said it was okay for me to give them a hand and I quickly walked over to them to help them.

I arranged their position and helped them move more fluently. For the hard stuff, like the pick-ups and the turns, I told Ian to do them with me first. Sense, if it comes to it, I know how to recover from a fall so I don't hurt myself.

He took my hands and I looked at him, expecting the next move and giving him a nod in approval when he got it right. We stood in position and started swaying. He turned me and leaned me perfectly. When I came back up, his face was closer than I thought and our noses touched, but he kept going. He picked me up and spun me around without loosing eye contact before he laid me back down and turned me again. We kept dancing around as I instructed him things like 'don't look back', 'eyes on me' and 'stay on count'. I would even do the count out loud for him.

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