Chapter 30: One More Gift

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We entered hand in hand.

The place was crowded with people wearing all kinds of costumes. The ones that walked passed us in the entrance kept their eyes on us until their necks allowed. We stayed in place for a few seconds to take in the new environment.

I looked around and caught a glimpse of who I thought was Candace waving excitedly at us. As if on cue, Ian waved back and started walking towards her, pulling me with him. We walked through the crowd to the other side of the room.

Turns out, Candace wasn't the only one waiting for us. She was with Kat and Zach, but they were patient enough to sit down and wait for us to arrive rather than stand up with an overly excited look on their faces.

They were at what looked like a VIP section. Kat and Zach were chatting on the couches before their heads swung to meet us. By this time, Ian's warm hand was detached from mine and Candace's arms were hugging me. She swayed us from side to side saying 'Happy Birthday' while I giggled.

Candace's arms were replaced by Kat's to soon have Zach take over. He picked me up and started spinning me while I laughed. In one of the turns Zach gave me, I saw Ian looking away from us with a very slight hint of jealousy.

We were going to look for anyone we knew at the party to say 'hi'. When we turned to walk away, I got close to him to talk to him discreetly.

"Are you jealous, Mr. Somerhalder?" I whispered discreetly. He took a deep breath laying his arm on my shoulders and looking at every direction except mine.

"You have no idea."


Even inside the building, there were a few paparazzi. But for the most part, it was mostly crowed by co-workers and friends.

Ian and I were still looking for people we knew like McQueen or Trevino. I think someone called Ian. Although, I didn't heard them, I saw a group of people I didn't knew waving over at Ian.

Ian squeezed my shoulder and came close to whisper in my ear.

"I'll find you later." He whispered and instantly, he was gone.

I felt like it was selfish for me to want him for myself tonight. Truth is, it was selfish for me to want him for myself tonight. We shouldn't be seen together at all. But, it is my birthday after all.

I decided to occupy myself somehow. Surprisingly not hard to do at a party. A party partly for me.

Everywhere I went, everything I did, was followed and documented by a camera. I smiled for a few of the pictures but after a while, I did my best to ignore them.

After a while of this, Alex found me.

"Hey you gotta come check this out!" Se said pulling me to were ever she wanted me to go.

Once she had brought me all over to another side of the place, a new scenario revealed to me.

There was an xBox Kinect hocked somewhere with the screen being projected into a huge white screen. People were gathered, watching a small group of people dancing along to One Directon's Best Song Ever.

Instantly, I looked at Alex and she was already looking at me. Her face overfilled with excitement.

As if on cue, we both raised our hands and screamed. "Us next!!"

Chuckles and a little cheering were heard all around and we joined them with giggles.


Half an hour later, Alex and I have found our spot. Right here where ever Just Dance 2015 is a playing option.

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