Chapter 12: On Set In Five

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Another day of shooting. I woke up this morning feeling on routine already. But this kind of routine I didn't mind.

It's crazy how close I got to be with the cast and crew in such little time. The cast pretty much knew everything about me already.

As it was now usual, I got to set and went straight to hair and make up. Got to hang out with John and Lisa again. Candice joined in soon after. She took a mirror selfie of us, her and I sitting on the chairs, Lisa doing my makeup and John working on Candice's hair. Then she started recording and did another of those behind the scenes videos.


After being wardrobe ready, I did a scene where Megan was doing a locator spell on Elena to known where Kai had her. It didn't took long.

Then, it was the saving-Damon-and-Elena scene.

Ian and Nina were already tied up on set. Kai was suppose to be far away with Stefan and Caroline distracting him while Megan untied Damon and Elena.

I ran up to Ian as soon as they called 'Action'. I started to untie him but it had 'really tight' knots. I started to look desperate and pulled my wrist towards his mouth. He moved his head away saying 'my ring'. His voice sounded rough, like he had been tortured.

"I'll make you a new one." I said. "Damn it, I'll even make you a matching necklace but we have to go!" I said.

He looked at my wrist and at my face. I gave him a reassuring nod and he bit down at my exposed flesh. I made a slight hurt face. He started 'drinking' from me and, little by little, it looked like he was loosing control. He even ripped one of the ropes and held my wrist close to him. I was about to tell him to stop when the director called 'Cut'

We were getting ready for a stunt scene. I was gonna be thrown away into a wall by Kai. They put a harness on me and were now testing it. It worked perfectly, but it was painful as hell.

I did it anyways and it felt great. I would have never felt great about being thrown onto a wall but I felt like I was flying...without control. I had to do it a couple of times more and, with each take, I felt more and more adrenaline and pain, but the pain was bearable .Next take was me falling down on the floor and there wasn't anything great about that. That was plain on painful. But it looked good on camera, enough for me.

By now, Christopher had already entered the scene and was walking towards my laying body on the floor. I got up quickly and faced him, holding my shoulder.

"Look who we got here?" He said. "Came to return the favor and safe his life like he saved yours?" He took some steps towards me. And locked his hand around my neck and applied light pressure. I started faking pain, the type of pain I would feel if some one were absorbing every bit of energy from my body. "But the real question is," he continued. "who's gonna save you now?"

Just like last time, I heard movement from behind Christopher and I closed my eyes. Next thing I know, Christopher is laying on top of me, pushing me down with him and then, it's gone. I looked up and saw Ian starting at me with worry eyes as he extended his hand for me to take. I took his hand and he pulled me up, our faces were inches apart for a moment, our gazes locked together. I snapped out of it and went to help Nina take her ropes off.

Just when we were about to 'leave' I took Damon's daylight ring from the floor and kept going.



Later then, Julie told me to do a Ustream for promo. And Ian volunteered to do it with me sense he was the only one who noticed how uncomfortable the thought of doing it myself made me.

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