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Dabi was finally able to move again. He struggled to get to his feet and go find Tomura sulking on the couch. He plopped down next to him and groaned. He overestimated his ability to walk like a zombie. He was still missing feeling in a few places. 

"Come to be mad at me some more?" Tomura sighed, scooting over a bit to give Dabi some space. In response, he fell onto Tomura, resting his head on his shoulder. 

"I'm sorry I'm such a bitch," he muttered. "I probably wouldn't have told me either if I was in your shoes." 

"That...wasn't what I was expecting." 

"I'm sure it wasn't." Dabi struggled to move his arms and hold Tomura. "I've caught you now," he muttered, resting his face into Tomura's neck. "I don't want you to run away again." 

"Do you realize what you're saying?" Tomura tried to make space between them only to be held tighter. 

"Mhmm," Dabi nodded. "I'm going to love you whether or not you're Tenko or Tomura. Let's fuck the world together." 

"Don't you mean 'fuck up'?" 

"I know what I said," Dabi closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep. 


Breaking News: Serial Hand Snatcher seemingly teamed up with a new murderer. His signature is purple burns. 

"They really don't know what the fuck they're talking about, do they?" Dabi frowned, shoving his hands into his pockets. 

"Well, they can say what they want, I suppose," Tomura shrugged. He grabbed Dabi's arm and they continued walking on their way. 

"Is Kid still insisting on trying to help out?" 

"What do you think?" Tomura gave him A Look, which was enough to let him know the answer. 

"He really doesn't have to push himself like that," Dabi scratched the back of his neck. 

"Sound familiar? I believe I told you the same thing," Tomura shook his head. 

"That was that, this is this." 

"Sure," Tomura rolled his eyes. 

"So, who is next on the list?" Dabi smirked. 

"I'm glad you asked..." 

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