Chapter Five: Top Tier Lesbian Quality

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Reo and Mabu, two very different police officers with very strange tastes. They spent most of their hours held up in this little room waiting for cases. Not many people came by. So, when a person did, it was highly interesting. The two made it a point to celebrate. Dabi hated that.

"Detective Dabi!" Reo smiled, revealing his shark-like grin.

"Welcome back," Mabu nodded, deadpanned as usual.

"Don't get excited. I'm just here to look at the files again," Dabi rolled his eyes. He walked right past the two of them into the records room. Boxes and boxes of useless shit. One such box was filled with useless shit related to Mr. Hand Stealer.

He grabbed the box, one of many, and looked through it. All of the bodies found so far were male. For the most part, it was their right hand removed and replaced by a plastic one. Dabi hadn't noticed this before. He googled a few of the names he didn't recognize. Dabi wasn't interested in politics but apparently, the ones with right hand's missing were uppity people with sex-related crimes. The ones with left hand's missing were just overall bastards that like killing people for (mostly monetary) gain. The common denominator was the crimes. None of these people killed were innocent. Tomura had a sense of justice.

Justice? Such a weird thing for someone to have. It reminded Dabi of Kira, a serial killer that popped up shortly after Mr. Hand Stealer. He drugged people with a drug that was hard to trace. It induced heart attacks at random times, leading people to believe that the killer could choose the time of death when he wished. Same strange sense of justice. Dabi had worked with another detective on that case. Weird guy. Loved sweets.

"Dabi, would you like some tea?" Mabu walked into the room with a tray. The only thing he was good at was making tea. Dabi sighed. He nodded. Might as well take it.

"What do you know about Death the Kid?" he asked. Mabu stirred sugar into his tea. He was silent for a few minutes.

"I don't know much about him. I know he was in the news a while ago because of a building blowing up or something. But, I didn't think much of it. He didn't seem to be the type of guy that would do something about that. He seems more like an activist not a terrorist."

"An activist?" Dabi sighed. He didn't know much about Death the Kid either. He agreed with Mabu though. Death the Kid seemed like the type of person who would stand outside a place he hated with a bunch of signs screaming for change. Not the type of person that would blow up a building demanding change. Who would want to frame a guy like that? Well, until they found the mastermind behind that incident they wouldn't be able to help Death the Kid.

Dabi took a sip of his tea. This was a puzzle he had to solve but didn't know where to start. Maybe going out for a drink or two would take his mind off of things. Himiko? Ew, no, he wasn't up for that type of energy. Dabi scrolled through his phone. He didn't have that many contacts. The name Tenko Shimura popped up. Hm. He didn't remember adding that. Tenko? Was it too soon to send him a message? They weren't supposed to get serious. Dabi sighed.

He placed the files back into the box and placed that box back on its rightful shelf. He drank the tea and waved as he left. "Thanks, as always," he said, the door closing behind him.

How To Write a Text Message 101. Dabi stared at his phone. He wasn't the type that usually sent messages first. Hello? Too formal. Hey? Too casual. Hi? He sounded like a kid. Yo? What was he doing? Asking him for a yo-yo? This was stupid. The stupidest idea. He should just call the bastard and get it done and over with.

Dabi dialed. Dabi held the phone by his ear. Dabi waited for the ringing to end. It did. "Hello?" Tenko's voice casual. Weirdly casual. Wasn't he the anxious type? Apparently not.

"Let's have dinner," Dabi got to the point. A little too quickly to the point. It wasn't a question. It was a statement. What was he? Tenko's boss? Aw, fuck.

Tenko laughed. His laugh was carefree, laid back, light-hearted. Dabi didn't know if that was good or bad. "Where and when?" He wasn't going to refuse? After that terrible delivery? The gods must be on Dabi's side.

Dabi looked at his watch. Was thirty minutes too soon or not enough time? He'd just say now and wait. That was easier. He was already here anyway. "Blind Banker's. Right now. I'll text you the address."

"See you soon." He hung up. Dabi walked into the restaurant. He'd always wanted to go here. For some reason or another. Guess tonight was as good as any. The hostess sat him down at a table for two. He told her he was expecting someone. She nodded. He stared at the menu, unamused by it, but somewhat interested in the pasta.

Tenko took a seat, sooner than expected, and smiled at Dabi. He had his hair pulled back into a little ponytail on the top of his head. There was a scar over his eye. A scar over his lip. But he didn't look the same as the night before. Either he was wearing makeup to hide the chappedness of his face, or he'd actually found a miracle-working lotion. He was cute, surprisingly so.

Dabi closed the menu. He stared at Tenko. He slid the menu over. "I get a discount here, pick what you want."

"Are you on the menu?" Tenko snickered, picking it up. He was kidding. Well, Dabi hoped he was kidding. He couldn't quite tell. The two had only known each other for a day.

The waiter came. The two ordered. The waiter left. Dabi swirled the ice cubes in his water. He wasn't sure what to talk about. He wasn't the type of guy that went on a date. The truth of the matter was, he only asked Tenko here because of his earlier opinions on Mr. Hand Stealer. His response to Himiko's statements the day before had been interesting, to say the least, and he wanted some extremely different viewpoints. Himiko tended to repeat the news. She wasn't interested. Tenko appeared interested, genuinely, in whatever it was that Mr. Hand Stealer was up to.

"Say," Tenko initiated the conversation. He rested his chin on his hands and smiled at Dabi. "Do you know anything about Greek Mythology?"

"You mean besides Disney's Hercules?" Dabi thought about it. He knew some things, not a lot.

"Do you have a favorite god or story?"

Dabi shrugged. "I guess Hades is pretty chill? I don't particularly like blue fire but I always liked Hades."

"Personally, I've always had a thing for Medusa," Tenko said.


"Medusa. You know? Hair of snakes turning people to stone? Top Tier lesbian quality," Tenko nodded. "Medusa is a queen if I ever saw one. Well, I hope I don't see her. She might turn me to stone," he laughed.

Medusa. The name did sound familiar. He knew he'd heard it before. Medusa. Medusa. Medusa. Ah, that's it. There was a Medusa that was in charge of an activist group against animal cruelty. The building that Death the Kid had destroyed was rumored to have locked up animals for cosmetic testing. The building wasn't symmetrical. The perfect reason for someone like Death the Kid to be framed. It was convenient. Medusa seemed like the kind of person to use a scapegoat. She was the owner of a prominent Halloween decor industry. She couldn't just do as she wished, even if she did have strong views.

"I'll be right back," Dabi left to find the restroom. He had to call Shota right away.

"Was it something I said?" Tenko sighed, staring into his own glass of water. Hopefully, this nice date wasn't over now. He enjoyed free food.

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