Chase Four: Death the Kid

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"There you go, fully exposed body ready for examination," the coroner gestured to the corpse on the table. "I've taken all of my notes already. Nothing to worry about on that front. Have fun doing what you do, Dabi." The coroner, with his hair tied back in a messy ponytail, and a lab coat that seemed two sizes too big, had numerous scars. They weren't identical to Dabi's but they were scars all the same. 

Dabi stared at the corpse. Nothing visibly different from the last time he'd seen it. He leaned down to sniff it. Yep. Still dead. Dabi slapped on some gloves and began working his magic. It wasn't often that he found something Adrian didn't but sometimes he did. 

"What was the last thing he ate?" Dabi inquired. 

Adrian looked at his notes. "He had a dashing meal of liver destroying alcohol followed by some male bodily fluids." 

"So, his last night alive was spent getting drunk and sucking dick. Not a bad way to go, if you ask me," Dabi opened the corpse's mouth. The stench. Ew. Wait. He knew this smell. Tenko? No, it couldn't be. It must be his mind playing tricks on him. Tenko had the perfect alibi last night, Dabi himself. 

"I suppose?" Adrian was reluctant to agree. 

"Will you wrap it up? We have more bodies to examine," a male, wearing a sloppily stitched lab coat, glared at Dabi. Dr. Stein. Dabi sighed. Adrian was his preferred coroner. Dr. Stein was Adrian's brother but the two couldn't be more different. The increased people with scars lurking around Dabi was a sight to behold. Any more people and he might throw a few things. Dabi was curious about why these brothers had such similar markings but he refused to ask. It was against his values. He hated when people asked him that question so he refrained from asking others. 

"You've got a screw loose, buddy, just stand in the hallway if I'm annoying you that much," Dabi didn't look up as he said this. 

"Is that so?" Dr. Stein lifted his hand to his head, turning the giant screw in it. How the hell did he get that? Dabi wanted to ask him so many times. 

"Did you find out who this guy was yet?" Dabi had asked Adrian the question. Dr. Stein was the one that answered. 

"He worked for a no-name lawyer company. It was a front for his children sex trafficking joint." Dabi couldn't stop his face from wrinkling in disgust. He no longer felt sorry for the guy. Dabi turned the body onto its back. 

"Did you have enough semen to identify the poor soul that was his last meal?" 

"Surprisingly enough, it wasn't what you're thinking. He was a kid at the time of his kidnapping a while back but police reports identified him as being the one and the same 'Death the Kid.'"

"Death the Kid?" Dabi looked up at Dr. Stein. "You mean that lunatic with the three stripes that demolished a building because it wasn't symmetrical?" 

"The very same," Dr. Stein nodded. 

"Weird combination," Dabi looked down at the corpse. This guy wasn't symmetrical. Must've been force. Death the Kid had a miserable life being kidnapped, sold, and then set free to a world that labeled him a criminal and a nuisance. Speaking of nuisances...

"Did you guys check his ass?" Dabi glanced at Adrian then Dr. Stein. 

"No?" the two replied, figuring it was common sense not to. Dead bodies released all of their remaining waste. Why check? 

Dabi, hating himself for thinking about this, reluctantly shoved a couple of fingers into this guy's asshole. There was something in it. A bag? If he could just...there we go. Dabi pulled it out. A paper note inside a plastic bag. Placed after death, to ensure being found. 

"Is that...?" Adrian squinted, readjusting his glasses. 

"It's a phone number and a valuable clue," Dabi explained, placing the bag on a tray. They'd have to do the usual paperwork for it now that they'd found it. Or, more specifically, now that Dabi had found it. 

"Are you sure it's a phone number? It's just the number 8 over and over again," Dr. Stein frowned. 

"Why don't you call and give it a go?" Dabi rolled his eyes. There were two things that could've happened. The first, the killer was giving them a clue to go put an end to this bastard's operation. The second, the killer wanted them to find Death the Kid and get him some help. Quite considerate for a killer. 

Dr. Stein, a scientist with an inability to hold back curiosity, took out his cell phone and dialed the number. "Salutations," the phone spoke. "You have reached DtK's interior design company. If you'd like to make an appointment, please press 1. If you-" Dr. Stein hung up. 

"Well, I'll be damned," he stared at his phone as if it was haunted. 

"Death the Kid is a criminal, he doesn't have an interior design company," Dabi pointed out. "But, we are one step closer to helping that poor soul. I suggest you contact Officer Aizawa. I've got things to do," Dabi peeled off his gloves and washed his hands. He made his escape. There were a lot of things to think about. 

He wandered the streets. It was his only quiet place and it wasn't that quiet. But, standing in the height of society made it easier to think somehow. He hadn't paid attention to the killings in the past. He'd dismissed most of them for being just simple murders. What if there was a meaning behind each one? This one had meaning. Tomura killed him because the guy was a pedophile, a human dealer, and all-around a bastard. Not to mention he ensured Death the Kid was back on the radar. Was Death the Kid related to Tomura? Not likely. 

"Ugh," Dabi groaned, "I have to look at all of the previous reports now, don't I? So much work." 

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