Chase One: A Chance Encounter

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"Breaking News: Another man turns up dead in an abandoned warehouse. Police are reporting that his hand was missing, replaced by a plastic one. This is the thi-"

The news blasted from the television. He stared at his drink, swishing it around, wondering when the next murder would take place. Quirks were drastically becoming a bigger issue. Only around 5% of the population was revealed to have them. That was a bogus percentage. People just kept them secret, unless given permission to use them.

"Hey, Dabibro," Himiko waved and sat next to him at the bar. "Your guy is hitting the news again. Aren't you going to lock yourself up in your room and try and track his next move? Like usual?" She briefly turned her attention back to the bartender to order her drink.

"He'll be out of town before long, I doubt I ca-" the door opened and a male walked in. Dabi was cut off before he could say another word. He stared at him. The blue hair was incredibly familiar. He looked away before he could make eye contact. Dabi stared into his drink as if the secret to the universe lurked inside it. Maybe he wouldn't notice.

That was him, wasn't it? He mentally cursed himself. He should've gotten a better look at his face. Dabi carefully reached his hand into his pocket, attempting to grab the police radio lurking there. He was a detective for them. He was given all of the privileges of a cop without the need to wear a stupid uniform.

"Hey," Dabi flinched at the hand on his shoulder. An entirety of four fingers resting on him. "Do you mind if I get you a drink?" the blue-haired (possibly stranger) asked. Dabi released his grasp on his radio, clicking his tongue in annoyance, and nodded as the guy sat down on his other side. Maybe this wasn't the killer. Maybe it was just some guy with an aversion to using his pinky. Dabi lost all interest. For him, it was the killer or no one.

"My name is Tenko," he smiled.

"Himiko," she pointed to herself before eyeing the man up and down. As if approving him, or something of the sort, she pointed to the scar-filled-wonder, "Dabi."

"Don't just give out my name to strangers," Dabi glanced at Himiko.

"Sorry, Dabibro," she shrugged. "I wasn't about to let you waste your entire life chasing a boy you'll never meet." She leaned over Dabi to get closer to Tenko before whispering, "He is a bit of a fanboy for Mr. Hand Stealer," she said, returning to her earlier position.

Dabi rolled his eyes. The bartender slid the drink Tenko ordered over to him. He didn't want to drink it now, but he couldn't refuse free things. It was just how he worked. He glared at it, before taking a sip. Glaring was the solution to all of his problems.

"Ah, they don't have an official name for him yet," Tenko looked up at the tv. He didn't seem all that interested in the killer with a quirk.

"I like the name Mr. Hand Stealer," Himiko puffed out her cheeks and pouted. "You like the name too, right Dabibro?"

"That's a dumbass name and you know it," Dabi sighed. It was a bad idea coming to this bar. He had a strong feeling this guy sitting next to him was the killer. Instinct. But it kept waffling back and forth. Killer? Not a killer? The scent of him was all messed up. Dabi couldn't tell with 100% certainty.

"'Mr. Hand Stealer' kind of downplays the message he is trying to send, don't you think? Besides, there isn't any proof that it is a male or a female. Perhaps the killer is non-binary, or even more than one person unified under one method of killing," Tenko said.

"You have a point," Himiko frowned. "But it would be really bad if it ended up being anyone other than Tomu, right Dabibro? That would mean all of your obsessing was for nothing."

Dabi almost lost it with that comment. This conversation was becoming more and more infuriating. What did this dick even know about him? The more they talked the more stupid he felt for thinking Tenko was anything close to Tomura.

"Thanks for the drink, I guess," Dabi said as he stood up. He shoved his hands into his Frankenstein's Monster inspired black jacket and walked out. Himiko scooted a chair closer to Tenko and continued chatting with him. Good for her. Dabi couldn't care less.

He walked the streets aimlessly, wondering if he had crossed paths with Tomura at any point or time. His memory was terrible. If only he could remember his face. The only thing he remembered, however, were the stars hanging around his head. How could he get any more useless?

Dabi's phone vibrated in his pocket. He reluctantly took it out and stared at the stranger's number. A text message?

Unknown Caller: Hey, uh, Himiko gave me your number. I'm sorry about before if I upset you or anything, but uh...sorry I won't say anything else. She insisted I say something so I had to say something. This was a stupid move. Sorry.

He didn't reply. He just shoved his phone back into his pocket. Dabi looked up at the sky. The night was almost upon them. This was when the real fun began. Sooner or later another spotting of the killer would take place. He would show up to the crime scene this time. He wasn't going to, but now he just felt a real urge.

In the corner of his eye, he saw someone wearing a black hoodie with a plastic hand on his face. Dabi turned on his heel, ran across the street, jumping over cars almost hitting him, and called out to the guy. It was a guy, right? Probably. He would bridge that cross when he came to it.

"Wait!" he yelled, the individual only ran faster. Figures.

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