Chase Seven: The Morning After

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Dabi woke up with the chain to his handcuffs broken. Each chain wrapped around each cuff for maximum movement. Just like Tenko's. He looked to his side. The sun shined way too bright for his liking. He rolled over, tempted to fall off of the bed and fall asleep underneath it for maximum protection. Instead of finding the edge of his bed as per expected, he found Tenko's body. Dabi's face slammed right into Tenko's. He winced. Rolling the other direction. Falling off of the bed.

"Shit," Dabi held his forehead. "I thought you didn't like to stick around the morning after."

Tenko sat up. He yawned and stretched (in a number of weird poses). "I think we've at least graduated from one-night stand to fuck buddies. No?" He got off the bed and wandered out to the sorry excuse for a kitchen. He wasn't wearing clothes. Dabi could enjoy his finely crafted ass in full glory with the sun shining on it. Tenko had no right having such a nice ass with such a weird personality and face.

"You got me dinner. I'll make you breakfast," Tenko announced. He opened up the fridge to find barely anything in it. The fridge door nearly fell off. Dabi needed a better living environment. He picked up the egg carton, surprised to find it still had eggs in it, and also surprised to see it wasn't expired or anything. "Guess I'm making eggs..." he sighed.

"Do whatever the hell you want just let me sleep for another century," Dabi pulled off the blanket, made himself a Dabiurito, and rolled underneath his bed. The most comfortable and satisfying dark place he could get to without moving too much.

"Alright, guess I can take a shower first then."

Dabi's phone rang. He had no intentions of answering it. Tenko answered it. How did he know the password? Oh. Wait. You don't really need a password to answer a phone. "Hello, you've reached Dabi's personal number. How may I assist you today?" Tenko spoke in his most secretary-like voice. Annoying and way too happy.

"I tried, he didn't sound too pleased," Tenko knelt down on the floor and held out the phone to Dabi's ear. He growled into it. Dabi doubted that would change anything but he growled anyway.

"What the fuck are you playing at having your new sex toy answer the phone?" Shota grumbled into his ear.

"Not a sex toy, more like uh, I don't know," Dabi couldn't find the right words. It was too early in the afternoon for this. He just wanted to sleep. "What do you want?" he got to the point.

"So I looked into that Medusa thing you were going on about," Dabi heard shuffling. What was Shota moving? "Turns out it wasn't such a shitty idea. We might have a lead on where Death the Kid is too. Now, do you actually plan on working today or is fucking your fuck buddy the only thing you have scheduled?"

"I don't understand why you don't just text me all of this. Do you enjoy hearing my sultry voice in the morning that much?" Dabi wanted to become one with his blanket. Fuck you Shota Aizawa. He had things to dream about. Important succulent ass-related things.

"The only person sleeping at this time of day is you, Dabi," Dabi could hear Shota rolling his eyes. Yeah? Well you know what Dabi has to say to that? Nothing. Actually. Because it's true.

"Whatever," Dabi rolled further under his bed. Tenko hung up for him. When in doubt, flee, it's common survival instinct. He was just surviving for the sake of ass-related dreams.

"I'm really going to take a shower now," Tenko announced, making his way to the bathroom. In order for him to get to the bathroom, he'd have to make it through that hallway. That hallway had a door making it look like a closet. Dabi had it installed for special reasons. If he had any dignity at all, if he cared at all what Tenko might think, he should really get up and stop him from looking for the bathroom. He decided sleep was more important. There was a second bathroom around here somewhere. Maybe Tenko would find that one instead.

"Holy shit, Himiko was right when she said you were obsessed." Guess he found that hallway then. It was covered in newspaper clippings, printed out online articles, anything at all Dabi could find about Mr. Hand Stealer. Pictures included. There were strings of his thoughts, as he tempted to connect each event to something in some way or another. They weren't random killings. He was finally learning about why that was the case.

Dabi slept. He ignored Tenko's mumblings and slept. Finally at peace to sleep a few more hours. He had nothing to hide, he decided, especially nothing to hide from a person he barely knew and had only spent two nights with. Everything was fine. He could be murdered in his sleep right this second and everything would still be fine. That's what he felt to be the case.

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