Chase Ten: Sorry to Drop In

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Dabi did research. It was one of the only things he could do that could calm him down. Death the Kid was impossible to manage. Dabi had no idea how to look after another human being. He couldn't even look after himself. Dabi was just lucky that for some reason Death the Kid liked him. What if he found something asymmetrical about him? And then it all backfired? So, he did research to avoid thinking about it.

"Fucking shit," Dabi ran his hand through his hair. "This is a nightmare. The media doesn't have one good thing to say about him." Dabi sighed. "And a ton of good shit to say about Medusa."

"Dabibro," the door opened, Himiko poked her head in through the small opening. "DtK says he won't eat unless you do. Tenko and I have tried everything."

"If you're lying to me I'm going to kill you," Dabi glared.

"I'm not lying. Don't you hear him screaming in there? Or are you deaf now too?" Himiko frowned.

Dabi reluctantly got his ass out of bed and followed Himiko back to Death the Kid and Tenko. The three-striped wonder jumped up out of his chair and hugged Dabi, refusing to let go no matter how hard he tried to pull him off. This is an issue. A very big issue.

"Listen, kid," Dabi frowned. "I'm not your guardian angel. If you don't eat I'm going to force food down your throat."

"You eat first."

"Yeah, practice what you preach," Tenko shoved a morsel of something or other into his mouth. He didn't even look up when Dabi entered the room. Food was more important.

"I don't have time for this shit," Dabi continued trying to pull Death the Kid off.

"It's not like you have anything better to do, Dabibro. Officer Aizawa didn't send you any more messages. All you've been doing is sitting in your room shirtless with pajama pants searching for random shit." Himiko shrugged. "Plus, Tenko makes some good food," she nodded, taking a bite.

Dabi reluctantly moved to grab a plate of whatever it was. He sat on the couch and glared, shoving food into his mouth angrily. "Look, kid, I'm eating. Woohoo. Happy now? Eat something you little shit."

Death the Kid shifted so that he was sitting on Dabi's lap instead of hugging him like a koala. He grabbed the fork and started eating. Once he started he didn't stop. He became a bottomless pit, eating anything and everything as long as he could eat it from the safety of Dabi's lap. Dabi sighed, leaning back on the couch. He stared at the ceiling. His neighbors were making an unnecessary amount of noise again. Was that a crack? Fucking shit it was a crack. They were going to break the damn ceiling!

Dabi grabbed Death the Kid, holding him close, he jumped off of the couch and rolled to the furthest wall. The crack got bigger and four people fell through the ceiling. An unhealthy amount of dust filled the room. Luckily Dabi was the one that got most of the damage. Pieces of ceiling hit his back but Death the Kid looked safe. Terrified about being pinned to the wall and so close to a shirtless Dabi, but safe regardless.

"I knew this place was shitty," Tenko sighed, picking pieces of the ceiling out of his food but still eating it. He didn't enjoy wasting precious morcels.

Four people. A redhead, an explosive blonde, a curly green-haired anxious fellow, and a half red/half white-haired fellow. All wearing various amounts of clothing, coughing from the fall. "Sorry to drop in like this," the redhead apologized. He had shark teeth. Nice pointy teeth. They reminded Dabi of Reo.

"Someone call the landlord. It's time we had a nice little chat about the safety of this building," Dabi growled. It hurt to move. A big piece of ceiling hit him. His back was bleeding. Shit. He didn't have the money right now to afford a hospital trip.

"Is anyone else injured?" the freckled one asked. He looked around frantically. Of the four people that fell, he was the one with the most injuries. Half and half was too busy calling the landlord to answer.

"Holy shit, Dabibro, that's a really bad cut," Himiko rushed over to Dabi. She dialed for an ambulance, despite Dabi telling her multiple times that he was fine.

"Don't die," Death the Kid whispered. "Please don't die."

"Relax," Dabi smiled, placing his hand on Death the Kid's face. "I'm not going to die anytime soon. I've got unfinished business. But, I think I will go to sleep for a while." Dabi closed his eyes.

"Don't sleep!" Himiko slapped him. "Do you want to die?! Asshole!" She continued slapping him until the ambulance arrived and he was carried off to the hospital. True friendship.

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