Chase Thirteen: Repair Services

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"We've got a potential lead on Medusa. Something that might be able to bring her in," Shota said.

"I swear to God, if I have to wake up every goddamn day to the sound of your voice I am going to lose my shit," Dabi growled. Death the Kid was clinging to his chest, still sound asleep.

"Leave your phone on silent then, asshole," Shota scoffed. "Or, here is a thought, wake up and go to bed at a decent hour."


"Dabi, you need to take better care of yourself."

"What are you? My mother?" Dabi hung up and threw his phone on the other side of the room. Just once. Just one time, he would like to be able to sleep in without anyone bothering him. The universe should take a page out of Death the Kid's book. Everyone should just be polite and stop talking when he didn't want them to talk.

Dabi closed his eyes. The minute he did Tenko, no, Tomura's face showed up. He should've listened to Himiko ages ago. Why was he chasing after some bastard that clearly didn't give a fuck? Or, perhaps, gave fucks too freely. "I can't believe I let him fuck me," Dabi slammed his hand down on his forehead. "I'm such an idiot and a bastard."

Death the Kid's grip on him tightened. He mumbled in his sleep, sweat building upon his forehead, he gripped Dabi tighter. "Hey," Dabi shook Death the Kid lightly. "Hey, kid, wake up," he shook a bit harder. He still clung as if his life depended on it. Dabi winced. If he was hugged any tighter his wound was going to open. Who knew parenting was such a tasking job? Not that he agreed to adopt this guy.

"Fuck!" Dabi growled. There goes a stitch. "Seriously, kid, wake up."

"," Death the Kid muttered. "Do want to me...but...keep Crona...out of it." Crona? Who the hell was Crona?

"Wake up," Dabi pleaded. "I'm not hurting anyone. If anything, I'm the one being hurt." He was the one being hurt? What a joke. If he really wanted to he could force Death the Kid off of him using extreme force. The kid was frail. He didn't have much strength. Come to think of it, Dabi was stronger than Tomura back then too. He just had this innate fear of harming people. Something he didn't get from his father.

Dabi grabbed Death the Kid's arms. He yanked them off, pinning the kid to the bed. Dabi hovered over him. He continued trying to talk to him, to get him to wake up, and eventually, it worked. "Fucking finally," Dabi breathed a sigh of relief.

"What's going on?" Death the Kid glanced at Dabi's hands on his wrists. He then glanced at Dabi's shirtless self hovering over him. This was not his ideal awakening. "What are you doing?" His body shook from his troubled past.

"Relax, kid, I'm not out to hurt you. In fact, you were hurti-" Dabi winced, unable to hold back the pain of his back. The wound opened. He was bleeding again. He'd lost too much blood. His body fell on top of Death the Kid's. He passed out. Death the Kid panicked, trying to remove Dabi, but unable to because of his weakness.

There was a knock on the door. Death the Kid didn't want to answer it. He couldn't. He tried his best to pull the blanket over the two of them. It was difficult but he managed it.

"Hello?" the door opened. "The name is Overhaul. I'm here to fix the roof and provide medical treatment." Death the Kid pushed Dabi off with all of his might, grabbed the blanket, and hid underneath the bed. He didn't trust strangers. Especially not ones that broke in.

"This place is really rundown, right? Eri?" There was a second person? How many more were coming? Death the Kid remained quiet.

"Eri, get to work on the ceiling. Make it good as new. I'm going to see if Dabi is still sleeping. Maybe I can fix him up without him ever knowing I was here." Death the Kid saw shoes at the edge of the bed. Fix him? Fix him how? Heal him?

"Damn, he isn't good at taking care of himself while wounded. What was he trying to do?" Overhaul continued talking to himself. Death the Kid heard noises in the other room. What was going on? He didn't like not knowing.

"I'm finished," Death the Kid heard a female voice. Her feet were nice, if he did say so himself. Death the Kid wondered if she was symmetrical. Probably not. He'd only met three people that were really symmetrical in his life. Himiko, Dabi, and Crona.

"Same here, let's go before anything too dramatic happens. I don't want Shigaraki to get pissy again," Overhaul sighed. The feet left. The door closed. Death the Kid waited a good amount of time before exiting his hideout.

He stared at the bed. Dabi was healed, but there was a scar from protecting him. Guilt. Death the Kid felt terrible. "Ah," Dabi sat up, groaning, "I feel a bit refreshed and sore." He looked over his shoulder at his back. "Did you do this?"


"Was someone here?"



Death the Kid remained silent. Dabi sighed and stood up. He walked out of his bedroom to see an apartment that didn't look at all like his own. The ceiling was fixed but so was everything else. It looked brand new. "Holy shit," Dabi blinked. "Is this real? I don't remember living in such a nice place..."

"It's...real..." Death the Kid looked around. He wanted to fix things even further but tried his best to remain calm.

"What the hell happened?" Dabi scratched his head and yawned.

"They called themselves Overhaul and Eri," Death the Kid scratched his arms in sync.

"Overhaul?" Dabi knew that name. From where?

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