Chase Two: Wearing Handcuffs

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"I said wait!" Dabi frowned, running faster. This person knew the streets well. He was hard to keep up with. Dabi would have to get creative. Or not. He ran himself right into a one-way alley.

"I work with the U.A. Police Department. Put your hands up," Dabi flashed his fancy badge and opened up his coat to grab his gun. Nothing fancy. Just cop privilege without wearing the uniform.

He did put his hands up, carefully, steadily, only to make a hasty jump on the wall. He climbed the vines so quick that Dabi barely registered what was happening. Each movement he made vines fell, making it impossible for Dabi to chase him. Must be that damned quirk of his. 

"Damnit," Dabi kicked a rock and placed his gun back into the sling. He called Himiko, just to check for sure that Tenko and Tomura were not the same person.

"Himiko speaking, how may I help you?" she snickered.

"Is Tenko still in the bar with you?"

"Hm? No, he went to the bathroom. Ah, wait, I see him now. Why? Did you change your mind?"

Dabi frowned. There was no way he could get from here to the bar in the span of a few seconds. Unless he had a teleportation quirk? Warp gate? Those were rare. Tenko and Tomura were not the same person. He breathed a sigh of relief and hung up without saying another thing.

Time to wander aimlessly for another hour or so. He shouldn't expect much more activity tonight. 


Dabi lived in the most dreary of living spaces. There were mice. There were cracks in the windows. He wouldn't be surprised if he saw a dead body lying on the floor of his living room one night. He took a few steps forward and fell right on his face. What did he trip over? Was it the dead body? Damn. He told people to stop playing pranks like this. He groaned, standing up, finding the nearest light switch. He found it. That's good. Batta bing. Batta boom. Who is lying on the floor of his living room? 

A male. The same male that he'd met in the bar. He was handcuffed to the coffee table with his feet tied. Duct tape on his mouth. He looked at Dabi. Dabi looked at him. There was a little bow on his head with a note attached to it. 

"Fuck me, please? Dabibro?" it read. Himiko. He should've known.

"If I remove the tape are you going to start screaming?" Tenko shook his head. Dabi leaned down and ripped off the tape like a sweet bandaid. Tenko winced. He licked his lips. There was a bit of blood on one. "Are you going to tell me why you're in my apartment tied up? Or, am I just going to have to assume Himiko was going to come back for some kinky foreplay?" 

"I think I liked the duct tape. I don't really want to answer these questions. Should I start screaming? Will you put it back on then?" 

Dabi rolled his eyes. "Just answer, will you?" 

"Your friend knocked me out. The next thing I knew I was like this. It wasn't my idea, I can assure you," Tenko pulled at the handcuffs. "For one, I prefer handcuffs on the other party involved. Wearing them isn't my style." 

Dabi eyed the male up and down. He was wearing simple clothing. Entirely black. He had gloves on his hands and his face was pretty chapped. His hair was his only redeeming feature. Everything else sucked. But, Dabi wasn't one to talk, he himself wasn't Prince Charming. 

"So, you aren't here for a good time. You were just dragged here against your will. That sounds about right." Dabi picked up the bow and the note. There wasn't a key. Fuckin' Himiko. Where is the damn key? Up his ass? That's just rude. He'd have to pick the lock then. 

"I'm willing if you're willing," Tenko shrugged. "We didn't have the best of first introductions but there isn't much of an introduction needed to shove a dick in someone's ass. That's just my opinion." 

"Opinion noted," Dabi picked up the coffee table so Tenko could at least sit up. The handcuffs were a different issue. The rope could be cut. 

"Am I not your type or something? I get that a lot," Tenko sighed. 

"Let's just say I'm married to my work," Dabi shrugged. He released Tenko's legs from the grasp of the rope. Big mistake. The male used that opportunity to kick him in the chest, sending him backward. A hop, a skip, a jump, and Dabi was on the floor with a small handcuff chain pressed against his neck. 

"That's the wonderful part about a one-night stand. You don't have to see me in the morning."

There was something about Tenko that Dabi was drawn to. Maybe his hair was just that magical. He'd turned down these offers left and right dozens of times before. He just didn't have it in him to turn away Tenko. How strange. He really wanted to be fucked by him. To fuck him? Maybe a bit of both. 

Dabi grabbed Tenko's shirt and pulled him down. He didn't care that he couldn't breathe. He just wanted to kiss him. So, kiss him he did. Sparks flew. Despite his limited ability to move, Tenko was quite flexible. He managed to kiss and strip Dabi at the same time. Dabi was distracted by his eyes, his hair, and the tingling sensation of a chain on his neck. The chain was no longer there but the sensation still remained. 

The more time he spent underneath Tenko the more he forgot about his intense passion to search for a guy he wasn't sure was still alive. The movements of Tenko's gloved hands invaded his thoughts, forcing him to forget all about Tomura. He didn't have the time to feel guilty. 

As if under some mystical spell, Dabi allowed Tenko to do as he wished. "You've got so many scars, are you a masochist?" Tenko moved his hands back up to Dabi's neck. He held his neck in his gloved hands, staring down at him, searching for the answer to his question. "There is a rumor, that the killer, you know the one, holds his victims like this. Hands tight around the neck, watching, waiting, for all life to be sucked out. It's just a rumor though. Not sure how true it is. You like that killer, don't you? Himiko went on and on about your obsession." 

Dabi felt the hands. He felt them. They weren't tight. They were tight enough to make him remember, however. I don't want to do this. There is no other way to save you. That's what Tomura had said so long ago. Just before he'd given him his scars. But, Dabi could still breathe in Tenko's grip.

Tenko was sitting on him. His ass right over Dabi's dick. Quite rude of him to have stripped Dabi only to leave his own clothes on. Were they going to fuck or not? Was he just waiting for the answer to his question? Dabi hadn't quite told anyone the reason. Not even Himiko knew why he was so obsessed, not truly, just bits and pieces. 

"Tomu gave me these scars. I need to find him." That was his answer. Simple as that. Tenko didn't need to know more. Dabi didn't want to tell. But, no, he wasn't a masochist.

"What are you going to do when you find him? Kill him?" 

"I'll bridge that cross when I come to it," Dabi replied. 

"Fair enough." Tenko, unable to do a whole lot with the restrictions of his handcuffs, decided breaking them would have to do. He removed his hands from Dabi's neck. That familiar loneliness from before. Dabi wondered why the chain, Tenko's hands, was so inviting. He ignored the question. Dabi watched as Tenko examined the chain. He searched for the weakest link. When he found it, he bit into it, pulling both of his hands apart from each other with all of his strength. Three directions. One snap. He wrapped the remaining chain around each cuff, to keep it from swinging around. 

"I prefer handcuffs on the other party involved," his eyes laughed. "Wearing them isn't my style," he repeated his earlier phrase. "Now, let's start the fun."

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