Chase Fifteen: Reunion

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Death the Kid stared at the building before him. Medusa's lavish corporate palace. The police were going to bring her down but what about Crona? He hid in the shadows, out of sight from the cameras, and moved around the place with ease.

"I'm not sure I can handle this right now," the familiar phrase rested on Death the Kid's ears. His heart skipped a beat as he turned the corner to see Crona there. "Mother is going to get mad at me again...I miss Death..."

Death the Kid wanted to reach out his hand and grab Crona but he knew it was still too dangerous. The two would have to escape at night. He followed Crona to their room. The door closed and Crona turned to face the wall where Death the Kid hid. They leaped forward and pulled out a dagger from under the long garment many assumed to be a dress, pressing it against the shadow.

Death the Kid's shadowy self dissipated. He stood with the dagger against his neck, staring Crona in the face with little expression. "If you're going to kill me, could you at least do it symmetrically?" he asked, grabbing Crona's hand and placing the tip of the blade to his Adam's apple. "If you stab me right here like this it'll be through the center of my line of symmetry. It wouldn't be a bad way to go, I think."

"I'm not sure..." Crona's eyes darted around the room.

"It's okay if you have to. I'm sorry I couldn't have come sooner. This is all my fault so you have every right to want to kill me," Death the Kid smiled to hold back his tears.

"D-Death?" Crona dropped the knife and stumbled backward. They weren't sure what to do and they didn't know where to go either. They fell on his butt and stared up at Death the Kid. 

"Mm," Death the Kid nodded and knelt down in front of him. "I'm sorry I didn't come sooner. Do you want to leave with me?" 

"I don't know..." Crona looked around the room and started to shake. "I don't know what to do." 

"I'm not asking you what you have to do," Death the Kid grabbed Crona's shoulders. "What do you want to do?" 

"I want to be with Death," Crona sobbed. "I don't want you to leave me again." 

"It's going to be dark. Are you going to be okay? Close your eyes..." Death the Kid said. Crona closed their eyes as instructed and Death the Kid enveloped them in shadows. He held onto Crona tightly as he made an escape. 

"I'm not sure I remember how to get back..." he confessed quietly. "Is Dabi going to get mad at me?"  


"I feel like shit," Dabi stared up at the ceiling. He always felt like shit but today he felt especially like shit. Shitter than normal shit. The real smelly stuff. Royal shit. 

"That's kind of what happens when you overuse your quirk," Tomura shrugged and called from the kitchen, trying to cook something out of the absolute nothing that Dabi had in his apartment. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. I don't have a quirk," Dabi maintained his obvious lie. 

"Right," Tomura rolled his eyes. 

"What are you still doing here anyway? Don't you have people to murder?" he snapped. 

Tomura sighed. "I told you I was going to take care of you. It's the least I can do, you healed me after all." 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." Dabi closed his eyes and frowned. "It's just..." 

"It's fine. I deserve it anyway," Tomura continued searching for something but ultimately gave up. He would have to go out to buy food for this completely idiotic man with a lack of self-care. 

"No, you don't, and I know why you do what you do it's just..." Dabi opened his eyes again and sighed. "Why didn't you just tell me to start with who you were? Did you think I wasn't trustworthy enough? The sad thing is if you had just asked me...I probably would've joined your side. I hate those fuckers out there just as much as anyone but lied to me." 

"I'm sorry," Tomura apologized. That's all he could do. "I didn't want you to hate me. I enjoyed our relationship as it was. And now I've ruined it. Just like I ruin everything I touch. I'm sorry," he sighed, staring down at his hands. He walked back into Dabi's bedroom and leaned up against the doorframe. "You probably won't forgive me but that's fine. You don't have to. I still kill people. I still will kill people. But I also still love you, and I don't think that will ever change." 

Dabi struggled to move but he couldn't. "Do you want me to leave?" Tomura asked. "I won't come back this time. I'll leave you alone and you can forget I ever existed." Tomura sighed and turned to make his exit. 

Dabi panicked and struggled to move. "No! Stop!" he practically shouted. "Don't leave again, please, don't-" The more he fought to move his body the less it worked. He found it difficult to breathe now that he was panicking. 

"Hey, calm down, I was just going back to the kitchen. I wouldn't have left without you giving me a proper answer," Tomura rushed over to the bed. He leaned over Dabi so he could see his face. "I'm right here." 

"Please..." Dabi's expression was too scared for words to explain. "Don't disappear again." 

"Hey," Tomura moved to grab Dabi's hand but realized his own weren't gloved. He searched his pockets but found nothing. Defeated, he carefully grabbed Dabi's hand in his own without resting his pinky on it. "I said I'm right here, didn't I?" 

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