Chase Fourteen: Unexpected Company

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"I need to find Tomura," Dabi sighed, slamming his head down on the counter. "I don't want to see him but I have to see him."

"Why?" Death the Kid asked. "I thought you didn't like him?"

"I do like him that's why I don't want to like him. I can't leave things unresolved between us that's just wrong. What if he dies or something before I can confess my undying hatred? I don't know. I just can't stand this awkward feeling I've had lately. What is he up to? Killing all those people?"

"Saving other people."

"What?" Dabi lifted his head.

"He killed the bad ones to save the innocent," Death the Kid shrugged.

There was a knock on the door. A small knock that anyone could've ignored. Dabi heard it. He stood up, opened the door, and was surprised to see Tenk-Tomura there. His face bloodied and his one arm destroyed practically beyond repair. Blood dropping on the ground.

"You look like shit," Dabi frowned.

"Thanks," Tomura chuckled. "I feel like shit. Sorry to appear but I didn't hav-" his eyes closed and he fell backwards. Dabi looped his arms around his waist to catch him. He carried him in and placed him on the counter.

"Kid, can you grab me the first aid kit?"

"You have one of those? But don't eat food?" Death the Kid frowned, not understanding the logic.

"Shut up and go get it."


Dabi got to work mending the arm first. He wasn't sure he could. He wasn't a doctor and the most he had to work with was the healing properties of his own quirk. Death the Kid wasn't in the room. After he brought the kit he went to hide in the bedroom. There wasn't a risk of him finding out. Tomura was unconscious and wasn't likely to remember any of this. Why should he save him anyway? This was the very person that scarred him so terribly. Death the Kid's words lingered on his mind. He killed to save others? What nonsense.

Dabi fiddled with the bone, trying to get it back into a basic position. He put pieces back where they belonged, like a puzzle, and tried stitching as best he could. Think positive thoughts. Not that it mattered. Tomura could die. That was fine. Tomura could die. Why should he care? "Damnit!" Dabi clenched his teeth and took a step back. He had to calm down. Calm down. Deep breaths. Every time you delay is more blood he loses.

"I'll just have to use it," he inhaled and exhaled slowly. "I don't have another choice." Dabi closed his eyes and focused on his hands. Blue sparks in his palms. He focused as best he could, turning the fire to a purple shade, and opened his eyes. He carefully maintained the purple flame and placed his hands on the wound. Healing fire. He'd learned it existed at some point in his life but he rarely had the time to practice. He watched as the arm mended itself. The bone becoming solid. The muscle returning. He should be good as new soon. That is, if Dabi could keep this up.

Sweat formed on his brow, creating a steady stream down his face. The fire itself was lukewarm but he felt so incredibly hot. The longer he tried the less accurate he got. The flames flickering blue. "Shit," he fell backwards, passing out. Some first aid treatment.


"Dabi?" a slap to his face. "Dabi, wake up you idiot," another slap. He opened his eyes to see Tomura staring down at him. "Did you do this?" he pointed to the hideous burn mark on his arm.

"Shit," Dabi groaned. He must've burned him while losing conciousness. "I should never be a doctor," he sighed.

"You saved my hand," Tomura opened and closed his hand. He might never be able to use it in the same way but at least he had one. "I really shouldn't have messed with Overhaul," he sighed. "But the guy got on my nerves. What was I supposed to do?" he mumbled to himself.

"You have a lot of explaining to do," Dabi stood up, nearly fell over, but maintained his stance.

"Right," Tomura nodded. "You hate me now, don't you?" he looked at Dabi, hair covered his eyes to mask the fear that showed.

"I wouldn't say that," Dabi scratched the back of his neck. "I just saved your life, you know? I wouldn't save the life of someone I ha-" Dabi fell over. He couldn't save himself this time. "Fuck," he growled, faceplanting the ground. Tomura knelt down and rolled him onto his back.

"You can't move, can you?" he observed. "This would be my perfect chance to escape, Mr. Detective," he snickered.

"I wish I could blame you drugging me or some shit like that," Dabi sighed.

"Is this a side effect of your quirk?"

"My quirk? Don't be silly. I'm normal. I have no quirk," Dabi rolled his eyes.

"Maybe I should leave, if you want to be an asshole," Tomura poked his cheek. "You're paralzyed. That could be interesting."

"Why do you say that I'm paralyzed?"

"Wouldn't you have tried to move away from my touch?"

"Ah," Dabi wasn't sure about the answer to that. "Wait, where is the kid?"

Tomura looked around. He checked every room. No sign of Death the Kid. "DtK isn't here," he announced to Dabi.

"Fuck!" Dabi growled, trying his damnedest to move a muscle. "Where the hell did he go?"

"Are you concerned for him now? Did you get attached?" Tomura poked Dabi's cheek again. "How long will your paralysis last?"

"At least a day," Dabi sighed. "I'm sure he has gone off to do something stupid. This isn't the time for me to be here."

"It's the perfect time. You'll finally have an excuse to sleep. I'll take good care of you, don't you worry," Tomura brushed Dabi's hair out of his face.

"That kid can't last out there."

"You should have more faith in him."

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