Chapter Four

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Since meeting Olly, I couldn't sleep. I couldn't have even if I wanted to. He had my body feeling like jelly and my insides a complete frothing mess. My brain wouldn't switch off and kept replaying our conversation. My ears were ringing with his deep yet tender tone, and all I saw when I closed my eyes was him and his cute smile. I wanted to see him again. And living next door, I knew I would see him again. I was just so nervous about how different it would be within those school walls. The walls where once I stepped past them, my invisibility cloak appeared.

Would he treat me like everyone else?

I woke up late and was rushing around like a lunatic. Usually, the mirror would see me at least twenty times before leaving the house. Phone calls back and forth with Lauren and Sophie would have been held, telling me what to wear. At Bailey, your day depended on how good you looked and how popular you were, and since I had no time to do my hair and couldn't find my skirt, I was already doomed.

I couldn't say the same for Olly. Good-looking and sporty, he would undoubtedly be one of the popular boys by lunchtime. In five minutes, he had me hooked, and Lauren and every other girl would be the same.

He was eye candy and would be raking in prom king votes by the end of the day.

I couldn't forget how I felt when his big brown doe eyes locked mine and how his freckles made me want to connect them, to find out what beautiful art they created. Art above art, well, he would be a masterpiece; he already was.

With how he was already sketched in my mind, after a five-minute conversation, I rang stalker alert. I barely knew him but could tell you he smelt how your skin smelled after too long in the sun, combined with fresh laundry powder and a hint of vanilla. He was already my new favourite scent. Imagine how I could describe him if I really got to know him. I could only dream of getting the chance to gain knowledge of the finer details.

I quickly threw my uniform on and ran down the stairs, raking my fingers through my hair, "See you later," I hollered as I opened the door.

"What about your breakfast?" Mum replied from the kitchen.

"I'm not hungry, and I'm going to be late." I had no appetite for the first time in forever, and it wasn't hard to see why with the butterflies swirling in my stomach.

I briskly walked to school, contemplating whether to mention Olly to Lauren and Sophie, changing my mind back and forth with every step. I'd never met a boy they didn't know before, and I wasn't sure how to deal with it. It shouldn't have mattered. It's not like I took a claim on him for meeting him first. That's just how messed up teenage crushes were, and the more I thought about it, the more stupid it made me feel.

I hated that my entire life revolved around boys. Why did it? What had I turned into?

Whatever it was, I hated it. It didn't feel like me. But then, the more I thought about that, I didn't know what being me felt like. Was I being me or playing the role of somebody else? After all this time, was I not being Ashley? Who the hell is Ashley Prince without Lauren and Sophie? What a scary thought. What a horrible idea.

"Ashley," I heard behind me. I turned, and Olly was there, slowly walking toward me. He looked stunning with his gorgeous face hidden under a black cap.

He swept me off my feet, and I nearly fell over and choked on my breath simultaneously. I didn't know what to do next, was I supposed to stop and wait for him, or was he just saying hello? I didn't want to seem rude, so I tinkered with my jacket, took my phone from my pocket, looked busy, and then put it back, frozen to the ground until he caught up with me.

When Olly reached me, he gave a flattering smile, and it had me swooning. Even the way he held onto his backpack strap hanging over one shoulder was faultless. His smooth style and charm intimidated me a little, and it was nothing like I had ever known. He was different to the other boys, and I couldn't figure out why. But I did know how he looked in his uniform was even better than I imagined.

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