Two Weeks Later

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"Good luck, sweetheart; I hope you have the best first day," Mum said, handing me my bag as I climbed out of the car.

I put it on the seat, brushed down my flared black jeans, adjusted my thick chunky belt and straightened my red vest top at the waist.

"Are you sure I look okay?" I asked, bending down to her, and she nodded with a smile.

"Oh, that reminds me, I got you something." She leaned back and took something from her jean pocket. "This was mine. I want you to have it, seeing as it's a fashion trend now."

I took a red sweatband from her, and my eyes glossed over, "For real?"

"It will match your outfit."

I bit my bottom lip, climbed back in, and hugged her, "Thanks, Mum. I love it."

"You're welcome," she said, running her hand down my newly chunky highlighted straightened hair, more reds and dark blues this time. "Right, now go, don't be late."

I grabbed my bag, waved and fiddled with the sweatband. Adjusting the cord bracelet Olly gave me, I held the letters A and O in my hand, which hung on small tan cubes. I took a deep breath and blinked, keeping my eyes closed for a second before placing the sweatband on top of it.

Shaking myself off, I looked at the vast school building, listened to the bell and walked up the steps.

Here goes, the last, first day of school.

I walked down the corridors, and panic suddenly hit me. Pretty girls strut down the hall, clinging to each other, with short skirts, heels and shiny lip gloss. Sporty boys wolf whistles following behind, making them gush. I caught my breath and stepped back, trying to escape, bumping into someone behind me.

"Gosh, I'm sorry," I said, picking up some books.

"It's fine," a girl said, adjusting her glasses and curly hair.

She took the books from me and clung them tightly to her chest. She wore pink knee-high socks and a skirt and cardigan, an outfit I would have tried back in the days with Lauren. She made it look good. My smile grew, then altered as I saw her glance at the girls nearing us.

I wish I were invisible. I wish I were invisible. Please don't say anything to me. Please, please. I thought. Oh god, where was Olly when I needed him?

"Nice socks, Ams," the middle girl said with a smile, blowing a bubble with her gum. Her eyes rolled to me, and her strut slowed. I looked to the right, left, and then my feet. She looked me up and down, and I gulped, gripping my bag strap harder and harder and then she stopped; all three of them stopped.

"Hi, you're new. I'm Nikki," she said. "You're pretty, and I like your outfit." I was mute for far too long.

"Erm, thanks," I muttered, looking at her, noting her long shiny blonde hair, flawless makeup and piercing blue eyes. She lifted my wrist, looked at my sweatband and nodded, "I like this. Rebecca will copy this, won't she, girls," Nikki laughed, looking to the others, then let go. I put my hand into my jean pocket and tentatively grinned. Who is Rebecca, and what is happening?

"What's your name?" Another girl asked.

"Oh, erm, Ashley."

"Have a good first day, Ashley. If you need anything or get lost, just ask," Nikki said, and they turned and continued on their way.

"Oh my god," I muttered under my breath.

"Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost," the girl standing beside me warily said.

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