Chapter Nineteen

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"My mum wants to know if you would like to spend the day with us tomorrow," Olly said through our kiss.

"Uh, huh," I muttered, raking my fingers through his hair. Our weekend plans were the last thing on my mind whilst he sat beneath me in nothing but a pair of football shorts with his tongue in my mouth.

"Ashley," he repeated, moving his luscious lips away from mine. I sighed, placed my hands on either side of him and looked into his distracted eyes.

"Do we have to talk about this now? Your parents will be back soon."

"Why can't we have a conversation?" He tapped my leg and moved me aside so he could sit up. His sudden distance worried me; usually, he was up for nothing more than a kiss and fumble when we were home alone.

"Okay, I'll spend tomorrow with your family; that's fine," I said. Although it wasn't, I only wanted to spend time with Olly. That was all I had wanted since I met him. And it wasn't only his family I wanted to blow off, but I had also turned down my family and the football girls over the past week to be with him.

I wanted new friends and had finally had some, but I was nothing more than a besotted teenager who wanted to spend every waking moment with her gorgeous boyfriend.

"Are you only saying that so we can carry on kissing?" he asked, running his fingers through my hair which fell around my face.

"Perhaps," I giggled, biting my lower lip. Olly smiled and kissed me on the cheek before climbing to his feet.

"I'll be back in a minute," he said before leaving the room.

In his bedroom, I sat and observed the sporty atmosphere around me. Inspirational quotes from Tiger woods and Rocky were on the walls, and trophies lined the shelves in height order. Eventually, I stood up and stroked my fingers across everything he owned, intrigued by the biographies of athletes stacked and the books about surfing.

The room's bright colours reflected his laid-back personality, whereas mine was dull. I turned on his CD player for a second to see what he was listening to, a R n B mix, which was far from what I enjoyed. Damn, did he think that my music was depressing like I just did?

These celebrities and icons inspired Olly, but I didn't believe anything they said. Did that make us too different? Are we opposites heading for the breakup I was expecting? Oh my god, where was he? I panicked. I needed his optimistic self back in my presence to stop my toxic thoughts from running astray.

His phone pinged on his desk distracted me, and my curiosity won me over. I took the Nokia in my hand and read a message from Lewis.

Why aren't you coming to the party tonight? Don't say it's because of Ashley. She is invited too.

What party? Why hadn't Olly told me about a party? I swallowed harshly.

"Ashley, what are you doing?" Olly said, making me jump.

"What party aren't you going to?"

"Why are you going through my phone?" he said curtly.

"Olly, what party? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me?" My heart pounded in my chest, anguished.

"Ashley, don't," he muttered, rolling his eyes.

I scowled, "So you are embarrassed to be seen with me?"

"No, I'm not." He edged towards me, taking his phone from my hand. "I just don't think a party is a good idea."

"A good idea for me," I huffed, staring into Olly's tormented eyes. He failed to find any other words to explain himself and sighed heavily. "You go to the party, Olly. I have suddenly decided I want to spend time with my mum, not you." I stormed past him, walked out of his bedroom and quickly down the stairs, slamming the front door behind me.

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