Chapter Five

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"So tell me what it was like?" Ben said to Joe, sitting at the table in front of me.

"I'm not going to kiss and tell," he hinted with a nudge of the elbow.

Even after the humiliation, I had somehow forgotten all about Joe and Lauren leaving together. It now made sense to what Sophie was excited about earlier and why Lauren acted so apprehensive about telling me.

Leaning my head on my crossed arms on the table, I tried to ignore their conversation, though, through Joe's constant bragging, which took five seconds to crack, I heard every detail. So much for not kissing and telling. And by the time detention was up, I had concluded that Lauren was an easy hook-up. Their get-together was the first time she had spoken to Joe, and she was off kissing him already, but I guessed that was my jealousy talking.

"Right, you're free to go," Mrs Bond said, placing her book down and looking at the three of us. Ben and Joe fled as fast as they could. "Miss Prince, let's not see you again, please."

"Believe me, the feeling is mutual," I frowned as I stood.

"Then stop upsetting the staff. You are much brighter than this. These fresher classes are meant to be fun and helpful. I think you broke the record by getting detention during them." She shook her head at me as she packed her books away.

"I don't do anything, and what about Ben and Joe? They are always in here. I'm not the only one."

"Their attendance is none of your concern. Just promise I shall see you less during sixth form."

Anger was bubbling in my chest, my stomach was churning, and I suddenly wanted to shout at her. I had felt off all day, more so since yesterday. I was fed up with everyone's attitudes toward me, and it wasn't like being nice was getting me anywhere. Trying to be perfect was a waste of time. Out of nowhere, it felt more natural to lash out than to suck it up.

"Right, Miss, then perhaps if I stopped getting the blame for everything and everyone got off my back, I wouldn't be here."

Mrs Bond stopped in her tracks and widened her eyes as I stood tapping my foot with my arms crossed tightly, staring right at her. "Ashley, leave before you get yourself banned from prom."

"Miss, I didn't set them books on fire; the boy next to me did. He did a runner."

"Oh, what does it matter? I get the impression you would rather be in here than in the cafeteria anyway."

My shoulders dropped slightly. "What is that supposed to mean?"

She approached me and placed her hand on my arm. "Between you and me, those friends of yours, they do nothing for you. You could do much better. Perhaps find some new ones over the summer, people who will let you be you." She smiled and then walked towards the door.

My throat was tight, and I could no longer feel my feet. I wanted to follow, but I couldn't. I was frozen. Put in my place.

"Ashley, come on, it's time to go." She grabbed the handle and waited as tears pinched the back of my eyes.

I swallowed harshly, reclaimed my composure, and stepped towards the door. As I met Mrs Bond, I looked at her and said, "Is it that obvious?"

"To those who care, yes. There are many peers you have a lot more in common with. I could tell you where they spend lunchtime if you like?"

I shook my head, "No, Miss, it's fine; I can figure it out for myself."

"Have a nice evening, Ashley." I agreed and left.

Detention after school had me walking the empty streets towards home, giving me more time to myself. And after that conversation, I wasn't keen on my thoughts coming out to play.

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