ღ - 𝘢 𝘬𝘪𝘥?

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❏❜ 🥛⋮[𝘈𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘳𝘴 𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘦] ⌒⌒

My apologies for this being late. I've had tests, essays, homework lots of things due since it's the end of the quarter. I nixed the last one-shot I was going to do because I need to get back to the series. This is based on a chapter in the Webtoon Lookism! Please wear a mask, eat, and stay hydrated! Keep in mind you guys are aged up a bit (probably in your early twenties) This is also not a part of the series! -Ali

Oikawa's POV: I walked to a restaurant where I was going to meet (y/n) for a little date. I saw her from behind and I was walking over to her about to hug her. When she turned to face me, she had a kid in her arms. I was stunned. I didn't know what to say, what to think. I didn't know (y/n) was a mom?! The kid looked so much like her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" She asked me.

"(y/n) I promise to help you with your kid and I will stay with you I promi-" I got cut off by her smacking me.

"Haha Oikawa what the fuck are you talking about"

"(y/n) isn't that your kid?"

"Dumbass I would've told you I have a kid, I found her and I got worried that someone would take her"

I was a little frustrated since the kid ruined mine and (y/n)'s date.

"Can't we just leave her, pricking up lost property is a crime?"

"She's not an object-" (y/n) said smacking my head.

˚◞♡ ⃗

2nd POV: You and Oikawa took her to their shared apartment. Oikawa picked her up and placed her on a table. Oikawa looks at the baby and names her Fuyoko. He eyes her down and looks at her with disgust while Fuyoko starts giggling and smiling at Oikawa. At the corner of his eye, he saw her marshmallow-like cheeks. He was about to poke it when he stopped and went to the sink and vigorously washed his hands. He poked it and simply kept poking it. When all of a sudden Fuyoko slapped his hand away. Oikawa looked enraged over a toddler slapping his hand away. You couldn't help but silently laugh.

"Why'd you wash your hands by the way?" You asked Oikawa.

"Well I don't want to pay for her bills if she gets sick"

"We should probably take her to the police station to see if they could find her parents"


You picked up Fuyoko and handed her to Oikawa. He looked at you with a confused face, and you just keep trying to hand her to him. She finally picks her up but holds her all weird. You look at him with a strange face and were about to tell him he's holding her wrong. When she started to fuss up and Oikawa was struggling to see if he was holder her properly and asked her if it was okay like this. He finally held her right and both of them were all happy when she pooped right when she was in his arms. Oikawa froze and you couldn't hold in your laugh.

"(y/n) I'm going to fucking kill you if you don't help me right now"

"Okay okay just lemme finish laughing-"

You helped Oikawa change Fuyoko's diaper and carried on to go to the station. The station was closed. Oikawa got all frustrated and didn't know what to do. You suggested you'd go to the other station and drop her off while Oikawa went back to the restaurant. He agreed but Fuyoko looks at Oikawa and holds onto his shirt and starts tugging on it. You both agreed "your roles" would swap. He started to head to the subway while you headed to the restaurant.

Oikawa's POV: Fuyoko and I went to the subway and I held her close to me. When she started to get fussy again and started to squirm in my arms, pulling on my buttons, and messing up my hair. Then an older couple started to congratulate me for being a dad, even though she wasn't even my kid.

"I wonder where the mother is," one of them says.

"You should let her down, she looks old enough to walk"

I placed her down and she started walking around.

"You could walk!?" I said.

She started to run around in the subway, while I tried to grab her the subway doors opened and she went out. My face went dead, the doors closed and I didn't have enough time to run out and grab her. All I could think is I'm fucked. I ran out at the next stop frantically looking for Fuyoko. I ran too fast across the street and lightly got hit by a car. I quickly got back up with blood dripping down my forehead still looking for her. I started to give up and bent down with my eyes watering thinking it was all my fault.

"Oikawa, what the hell you can't just leave her behind!" I heard a familiar voice say.

"(y/n).. and FUYOKO"

I ran as quick as I could and scooped Fuyoko up in my arms and just hugged her.

"Hm you okay? Are you hurt?" (y/n) asked.

(y/n) helped clean up the small wounds and made sure I was okay. I just kept saying I was sorry and ended up buying a baby carrier.

"Did you buy that to give to Fuyoko's parents?"

"yeah.." I hesitated.

Fuyoko started drooling everywhere and (y/n) offered to help clean her up. I tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and smiled saying it was going to be in the way.

˚◞♡ ⃗

2nd POV: You and Oikawa went to a small nearby ramen shop for a little. When these two drunkards started complaining about how you and Oikawa were too young to have a kid thinking you guys were 15.

"Our baby is gorgeous isn't she?" Oikawa all of a sudden says.

The two men looked at your two confused.

Then the food came and you quickly ate your share of the food while Oikawa made sure Fuyoko wouldn't cry. You finished and Oikawa handed you her while he ate. The shop owner and her daughter looked over at you guys smiling.

"That's how it was like with you," the shop owner says.

"Really?" her daughter laughed.

"Yup, barely eating while raising a kid was the hardest thing in the world."

You guys left and headed to the other station together.

"You guys brought her here all this way, how considerate we'll call you when we find her parents," the police station lady said. (idk what they're called.

"Thank you!" you said.

You looked over to where Oikawa and Fuyoko were at and Fuyoko was sleeping in Oikawa's arms while Oikawa fell asleep in a chair.

"You know if I didn't know any better I would think he was the dad," the police station lady says.

Oikawa carefully hands Fuyoko to the lady saying to make sure she doesn't wake up and to take care of her. As he was handing Fuyoko to her, Fuyoko held onto Oikawa's finger and sleepily said, "papa". When you guys left you started elbowing him and saying how she called Oikawa papa.

"Oikawa? Oikawa, you okay?"

Oikawa started bawling into your arms saying how much he would miss her.

"Can we pick her up after two years if nobody claims her?" he asks.

"Oikawa that's for lost property, not people.."

The End~

hehe, a reminder this is from the webtoon Lookism! <3


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