ღ- finally

539 17 2

- ', [Authors Note] ꒱ ↷🖇

Here's the original ending, I'm sorry if there are spelling mistakes. I'm also sorry that I took a while to upload these. -Ali♡

Finally, summer break has started. The air was warm and crisp. Even though it was only summer love was in the air. Well for you and Oikawa of course. He treated you, now how would you put this? Like a princess. The dates he planned were amazing. Even if they were small they were still amazing. You actually told Oikawa about applying to America 5 days before you got your results. Katsumi still tried stealing Oikawa with any chance she could get. She miserably failed. Oikawa loved you too much and knew what would happen if he ever cheated on you. He would never want to put you through that pain again. After knowing you loved him for so long, there was no way he would let a chance with you slip up. His love for you was too strong, like your love for him. You Akina, Iwa, and Oikawa always had double-dates, probably like every Saturday unless something came up. Though there was one double-date that made you pay more attention to what they were talking about. Sure you paid attention but this caught your attention span.

"So.. If we all get into the same college in Tokyo we're all going there right? Together" Akina smiled, quickly taking a bite of her food right after.

College in Tokyo altogether completely slipped your mind. All you ever thought was America when it came to college.

"Right, yeah of course!" That small white lie came out of your mouth, not even processing it yet.

You slowly started to feel uneasy knowing you just straight up lied to their faces. Oikawa noticed and texted you asking if you were okay. You answered by saying that you guys needed to talk. Of course, he thought the worst, as if you were going to break up with him. It was just too sudden for him to prepare himself for it. He just didn't see it coming. After lunch, you all said your byes and paid for your share of the meal. Oikawa's mind was filled with thoughts and worries as to what you were going to tell him. When you and Oikawa stopped at a nearby park.

"Okay, (y/n) please just get it over with so I can grieve" Oikawa closed his eyes, softly squeezing your hand, and looked down.

You gently lifted his chin up so his eyes met yours. "Now's not the right time for me to say what I have to say, are you okay?"

"You're going to break up with me aren't you?" He proceeded to squeeze your hand even tighter, not even noticing he was.

"What? No, no of course not.. Also Oikawa you're squeezing my hands a little too much" you softly said.

He looked down and immediately realized and let go. "Crap I'm so sorry I really thought you were going to break up with me. You seemed really serious"

"Well, it is kind of a serious topic. But I don't know how you'll react."

"Well you know you can tell me anything." He smiled giving you comfort in what you were about to say.

"Okay, I applied to a school in America. I'm not sure if I'm going to get in or not. I haven't told anyone except my family and I'm really nervous to tell everyone else because I'm afraid they'll be mad at me. So I need your thoughts if you're mad or anything like that. Please." You quickly said while Oikawa was trying to process everything.

"I'd want you to accept the amazing opportunity, (y/n). Don't let it slip up and not take it. Who cares if Iwa or Akina will be mad? You'd be achieving a huge dream of yours." He reassured.

It felt like another weight was lifted off your shoulders. Though there was still some heavyweight. You were determined to let it escape your mind and not think about it. Oikawa supported you, he didn't stop you and even insisted on seeing the results with you.

𝑌𝑜𝑢'𝑟𝑒 𝐴𝑙𝑤𝑎𝑦𝑠 𝑇ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑒 ~ 𝘛. 𝘖𝘪𝘬𝘢𝘸𝘢Where stories live. Discover now