3. The girlfriend

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Owen POV

After breakfast, we all walked to school seeing as Knox and i still have to wait a year before we can start our driving lessons. Yeah, England isn't like America where you can start driving at sixteen. I'm not sure what the age is anywhere else, but in the UK it's seventeen which is annoying. As we walked Knox had Oakley on his back while me and Tristan walked together just talking.

"Do you like him?" My little brother asked.

"W-what? N-no. I'm straight." I told him.

"I don't know Owen, it seems like you're being too obvious if i've figured it out." Tristan laughed. I glared at him as he joked with me. I rolled my eyes when Tristan burst out laughing getting the attention of Oakley and Knox.

"Shut up Tris. I-I don't have a crush on Knox. I'm straight and he has a girlfriend. Even if i was gay or bi Knox would still be my f-friend. H-he's nothing more t-than a friend t-to me." I told him sternly.

"Maybe you should quit looking at him so much with hearts coming out of your eyes. Anyway, i don't care if you're gay. It'd be good help for fashion ideas when i have dates." He smirked.

"I'm not gay." I spat out and glared at him.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry. I just assumed because you really do look at Knox like that." Tristan stated.

"Like w-what?" I asked him.

"Like you love him and that you want to bang him every time you see him. It's quite amusing actually. And if it's obvious to me, which it has been for years, then think about how long it'll take Mr Brightside over there to figure it out." He gestured to Knox who was laughing with Oakley.

"I'm not gay Tristan. You got the wrong idea, okay? J-just d-drop it now, i don't want to talk about this anymore." I sighed. ---------

When we got to the school building, Oakley and Tristan went off to their friends while Knox and I walked the halls until the bell rang. While we were talking about the weekend, a high pitched voice interrupted our conversation.

"Knox baby." Gina, his girlfriend squealed making me wince from how loud her voice was. Knox smiled widely and pulled her to his chest. I sighed a little and looked away when they started snogging in the middle of the hallway.

"Knox." I called him, no answer. "Knox." I called a little louder. After once more of trying to get his attention, i sighed and gave up. I walked away leaving the couple to do their thing as i went to class early.

After a while, the bell rang and the classroom started filling up with students. Knox came in and sat next to me, only with Gina. When he sat down, she sat on his lap, gave me a sarcastic smile before she started snogging Knox again. At that moment my heart sank as i watched them. Swallowing the lump in my throat and holding back tears, i looked away trying to block out the moans of Gina.

Like all schools, there's the popular guy, Knox and the popuar girl, Gina. They started talking and after a week they got together. I'm always seen as the weird kid that follows Knox around. Every lunch time when Knox leaves to go to get his lunch or goes to the toilet i'm always pushed away. That then leads me to sit in the vacant library.

Half way through the lesson i had enough of the moans and kissing, so i grabbed my bag and left the classroom slamming the door behind me. In the next class, i sat away from Knox seeing as Gina was with him yet again.

Lunch came around and i was sat at the table with Knox and his friends. All of them gave me dirty looks whenever Knox wasn't looking. For him i stayed quiet and kept myself to myself.

"I'm going to get something to eat quick." Knox announced and stood up. He gave Gina a peck on the lips then left the table. Once he was out of view the others all turned to me. Despite my small size, i felt even smaller when i had fifteen pairs of eyes on me.

"Why does Knox even hang around with you? It's like he feels bad for you because you actually don't have any friends." Gina looked at me in disgust. I stayed silent knowing it will hurt Knox if i said anything back.

"What? Is the little faggot to afraid to talk back? What a shame. Just fuck off dip shit. No one likes you here so just piss off and make friends your own size. Oh wait, everyone else is taller than you. Even the years sevens." One of the boys said getting agreements from the other. I nodded and stood up leaving the table.

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