Knox POV
After school finished, i started walking to Owen's house to talk to him. Gina called me and wrapped her arms around my torso with a smile.
"Wanna come over to my house? Parents aren't home neither are the others." She smirked at me.
"I can't not today Gina. I've got something really important to attend to which will take up the rest of the day. I'll see you tomorrow." I told her, pulling her arms from around me. I walked away only to hear her shouting.
"If you're going to see that faggot we're done. I don't want you talking to him, he's a faggot and a freak. Don't do this Knox, come on just come back to mine with me." Gina called out.
"What part of no don't you understand?" I spat out and walked up to her so we wouldn't cause a scene. "I told you no because i have something important to do. Something that doesn't concern you or anyone else, not even Owen who i tell everything to, and he's my best friend. You can't tell me who i can or can't be friends with. I fucking despise Tilly and Alice but i don't tell you to stop being friends with them. Grow the fuck up Gina." With that i walked away leaving my girlfriend stunned from what i said.
After a ten minute walk i found myself walking into the familiar Matthews household. Xavier, Nevah, Paisley, Logan and Memphis were sat in the living room.
"Hey, is Owen home yet?" I looked at my second parents.
"Upstairs hun." Nevah told me.
"Alright, thanks. Hello Grandparents, Memphis sexy beast where the other?" I smiled at the elder.
"He stayed at home. How have you been Knox?" He smiled.
"Good. What about you and Danny? Bet with all the retirement you've been busy." I chuckled.
"You know us. We're both good. Better not keep you from your boyfriend." Memphis laughed.
"You know i've always had a thing for older men. Maybe i'll steal Danny from you." I smirked. "Just kidding, i've got a girlfriend. Laters all."
I jogged up the stairs and went straight into Owen's room. Like always he was in his egg swing chair reading a book. When he heard the door open he looked up and smiled a little. I sat on the edge of his bed and pulled the smaller, lighter closer to my by the swing.
"Would you tell me when you've lost your virginity and started having sex?" I asked him bluntly. I wasn't pissing about, i didn't want Owen to be forced into anything but if it was consented i wanted to know this about my life long friend.
"Y-yeah I-I guess. Why?" He looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "You'd b-be the f-first i tell m-most likely. A-and i d-doubt a-anyone w-would take my virginity in t-that s-school so i'm waiting."
"Gina and Callum said you were... wait what? I'm so confused." I mumbled.
"W-what d-did C-Callum and Gina say?" Owen questioned me.
"They said you left because you were getting bummed or whatever. I told them that was-," I started but was cut off.
"And y-you b-believe them?" The smaller boy glared at me.
"No, of course i don't." I shook my head with a small smile.
"I-i want you t-to l-leave." Owen whispered. Tears swelled up in his eyes as he looked away from me.
"Owen, what's going on? You can tell me. When have we ever kept secrets from each other?" I looked at him. A few stray tears rolling down his cheeks which he quickly wiped away.
"L-leave Knox, n-now." He stood up making me get up as well.
"I don't want to leave. I could easily be at Gina's house having sex right now but i'm not. I chose to come here to hang around with my best friend. My BFF, my best fucking friend, remember that? Owen talk to me, why did you leave the table today? And most days, why? Every time i go and get lunch i come back and you're gone, everyday is the fucking same." I raised my voice a little making Owen flinch a little.
"P-please l-leave." He whispered still not looking at me.
"Owen fucking tell me what's going on." I once again raised my voice making him flinch. Yet he stayed silent with tears rolling down his cheeks like rain on a car window. "TELL ME OWEN!" I yelled.
He let out a sob making me feel guilty for shouting at him. I closed my eyes taking a deep breath and walking closer to him and wrapping my arms around the smaller boy. Owen immediately pushed me away giving me a harsh glare.
"D-don't s-shout at m-me. Ever s-since y-you got w-with Gina they h-have b-been bullying me. T-telling me y-you only h-hang around with me because y-you f-feel sorry for me. T-they call me f-faggot a-and tell m-me to fuck o-off. That n-no one c-cares a-about me. I-I h-had to s-sit with T-Tristan a-and his f-friends s-so i d-didn't feel l-lonely like i h-have for the l-last f-five years. All b-because y-you g-got with G-Gina. I-I called you five t-times this m-morning w-while you were k-kissing her, y-you didn't even stop to look back at me. T-that h-hurt m-me Knox. Then i-in c-class. I h-had t-to walk o-out b-because s-she was m-moaning l-like the desperate whore she i-is. N-now y-you have the audacity t-to c-come here and ask me a-about my s-sex life. I-I w-want y-you to l-leave n-now Knox." Owen yelled at me. His eyes going red along with his face.
I nodded and left the bedroom closing the door behind me. Xavier walked up the stairs, worry on his face clearly hearing his sons outburst.
"You okay?" He asked me.
I shook my head. "No. I'll just give him a few minutes to cool down then talk to him again." I sighed.
"I'm pretty sure he told you to leave." Xavier smirked.
"That he did. But when do i ever listen? I'll leave when he forgives me for being the worst friend on the earth. Hopefully he'll say yes to food and a film for being a dick." I told him.
Xavier nodded and went back to the living room where i heard the concerned voices of Nevah, Paisley and Nikah. After five minutes, i went back into the room to see Owen crying on his bed. With a small sigh, i walked over to his bed and laid down next to him pulling him to my chest. I turned Owen so his cheek rested on my shoulder. His sniffles filled my ears making me tighten my arms around him for more comfort. I've done this for years, holding Owen whenever i made him cry.
"I'm sorry Owen, i didn't mean to raise my voice at you." I whispered softly to him.
"Y-you s-scared m-me." Owen whimpered.
"I know. I'm a dick, a bad friend. But to make it up to you we are going out for dinner and watching a film at the cinema. How does that sound?" I smiled a little and kissed his forehead.
"I-I don't h-have any m-money." He told me.
"Did i ask?" I chuckled. "Come on. We can go in our pyjamas so we're comfortable."
"I'm not g-going in m-my p-pyjamas." He laughed and rolled his eyes.
"Got you to smile though."

Owen and Knox
Teen FictionOwen Lucas Matthews, the oldest son of Xavier. From the small cute little boy, to the teenager who is shy and quiet. The complete opposite to his father. Owen prefers to read in a corner and stay out of the way. But that doesn't happen. Ever since h...