Owen POV
The next day Knox, Tristan, Oakley and I all walked to school, of course Tris and Oakley went off with their friends while i stayed with Knox. Our hands never unlinking, not that i had the choice anyway. Knox had a death grip on my hand making sure i didn't let his go. It's cute and all, but damn i need blood circulation in my hand.
"Babe i love you and all but you don't have to hold my hand so tightly. I'm not going to run away." I laughed a little as i looked up at him.
"Sorry." Knox mumbled. "I'm just worried Gina or Callum will do something to you while I'm not with you. I don't want you to get the backlash of what i did." He sighed.
"It's ok, and don't worry about me Knox. I'm a strong boy." I flexed my arm showing no muscle at all.
"You're like a chicken leg." He laughed. "So skinny. Get it? Because chickens have such small and skinny legs."
"Yeah i get it." I laughed with him.
We carried on walking to our class passing a group of girls with Gina there. She sent me a glare making Knox pull me to his side and wrap his arm around my waist. I sighed knowing this will be the same for the rest of the year. Gina sending me glares with Knox being over protective. I love Knox and his over protectiveness, but because he goes above and beyond it's a little over bearing.
It sounds like i'm complaining, i'm not, i don't want to be. But Knox likes to think if he's over protective it'll warn Gina and Callum off more, he doesn't know it but i do and i know Knox better than he knows himself. We both love each other and I wouldn't change him for anything, but when you have someone who's over protective it's hard to get anything done. If I'm at home and he's at his and i want to go to the shop and get sweets or chocolate, he comes with me from creeps being out. See now it wouldn't be a problem if it was 7:00pm where it's like freaking midnight in England during the winter, so i don't mind having Knox with me.
But i don't leave when it's dark, usually an hour after school where it's still that little light and i'd be fine on my own. It won't be the first time and won't be the last, i did it when he was with Gina but then again i never told Knox if i was leaving the house while he was with Gina because it was most of the time. I love his protective side because it makes me feel safe, I've always felt safe with Knox but now that he's doing it a little OTT, it's not as comforting as it used to be.
"What's wrong?" Knox pulled me from my thoughts.
"Huh?" I looked at him.
"You had your thinking face. It's cute but worrying at the same time. What's wrong?" He asked.
"Nothing. It's stupid." I told him.
"What is it? Maybe i can help."
"It's nothing babe. Let's get to shitty maths." I laughed a little trying to change the subject. Knox nodded and held me tightly to his side. Now this is something I'm used to because when we sleep in the same bed his arm is always tight around my waist so it doesn't bother me. It's just my hand because it gets cold from no circulation and it's bad enough with the cold weather.
When we got to the maths class, Knox and I walked in with our teacher giving us a disgusted look. This bitch has always hated me and i hate her. She's very much religious and is against anyone who is not Christian, meaning me because i'm now out as gay and before it was because i told her that we evolved from apes or monkeys which ever it is and she went fucking ballistic saying that god made us, you know all that stuff. I'm not religious and never will be, I don't hate people for believing what they want, just don't make me believe in something i don't.
"Stop looking at us." I glared at her.
"Owen." Knox said in a warning tone, but i could her the amusement behind it.
"Whatever." I rolled my eyes.
"Disgusting." This bitch if she doesn't stop i'm going to swing. It's one thing taking the piss because i can't do maths but i won't let her say anything about my sexuality. I'd be glad to hit a bitch and leave this shit hole they call school.
"Speak up miss, i didn't hear. All my gayness is blocking out the haters." I spat out. Oh fuck me lord i just said that. Ok, so it's not what i said, fuck it, it's what i said. Who says blocking out the haters? Obviously me, dumb fuck Owen.
"Well you and your gayness can go to hell. Same with everyone else who is gay." Mrs Rivers glared at me.
"So will you for being a stone cold bitch." I rolled my eyes. Hopefully i get sent out soon so i don't have to worry about the mega bitch.
"Get out. I've had enough of you." She yelled. Why is it that teachers can shout at students but we can't say anything back. I can't tell you how many times i've asked to move classes but they won't let me.
"Gladly." I grabbed my bag and left the classroom. My phone dinged letting me know i had a text message, probably Knox.
'You ok?' Knox had messaged.
'Yeah, i'm used to it though.' I sighed as i hit send.
A/N: I'm sorry for the long wait. I'm such a bad author for this, i'm sorry. There really isn't a good enough excuse as to why i haven't been updating. But there will be at least one more today maybe two

Owen and Knox
Teen FictionOwen Lucas Matthews, the oldest son of Xavier. From the small cute little boy, to the teenager who is shy and quiet. The complete opposite to his father. Owen prefers to read in a corner and stay out of the way. But that doesn't happen. Ever since h...