Chapter 5: Jealousy

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Ever since he became a member of the big three, Midoriya's popularity skyrocketed.  He wasn't cocky or super outgoing, and he didn't even really want to be popular.  But being one of the most powerful heroes in the school meant that everyone knew his name.  The biggest change though was the way girls treated him.  He used to have trouble getting a girl to remember his name, and now he was being asked out multiple times a week.  He didn't mind this newfound attention, but it wasn't coming from the one girl he wanted most.

Uraraka on the other hand hated it with every fiber of her being.  It seemed like every day some random bimbo would try and score a date with Deku.  He turned all of them down, but it would still fill her with an insurmountable rage whenever she had to witness these extras professing their "newfound love" for Deku.

Extras.  Jeez I'm starting to sound like Bakugo

She pushed those nasty thoughts aside as she made her way to the common room to meet with the others before they walked to class.  But when she entered the living area, Deku was the only one there.  

"H-Hi Uraraka"

He nervously waved when he saw her come in.

"Where is everybody?"

Uraraka asked looking around puzzled.

"Oh they uh all decided to leave early" 

Midoriya started rubbing the back of his head.

"But I wanted to wait for you so you didn't have to walk alone"

He turned away and tried to hide his blush.  Uraraka was beaming on the inside and her heart was all warm and fuzzy, but she couldn't let Deku see that.

"Oh uh thanks" 

She replied trying to act as if his kind gesture didn't mean the entire world to her.  Besides the butterflies in their stomachs, it was a normal morning commute.  They talked about their classes, their training, and the latest hero news.  They were so busy talking that they didn't notice Itsuka Kendo, the class rep for 3-B, standing right in front of them

"Hi Midoriya, HI Uraraka!"

She waved at them flashing her radiant smile.  Ochaco wished she could be as beautiful as girls like Kendo sometimes.

"Hey Kendo, what's up?" 

Midoriya replied turning away from Ochaco.  Uraraka felt a twinge of jealousy.

"Oh you know the same old same old"

She waved her hand dismissively. 

"Say are you two together now?"

She pointed at the couple with her thumb and pinky.  Midoriya and Uraraka instantly jumped apart, both turning red while Deku was flailing his arms. 


They both blurted out at the same time.  Although both secretly wishing that it really was like that. 

"Oh good'

Kendo said smiling as she stepped in front of Midoriya, grabbing his lapel.

"So Midoriya, would you maybe want to go out sometime?

She said looking up at him with puppy eyes.  Uraraka looked away and tried to stop the tears.  This was it and she knew it.  Kendo wasn't like one of those random nobodies.  She was strong, smart, and beautiful.  An incredibly powerful hero who was in the top five percent of their grade.  If anyone at UA could capture the heart of one of the big three, it was her. 

Midoriya reached down and awkwardly pried her hands off of his jacket.

"Uh sorry Kendo, but I only think of you as a friend.  I also kinda like someone else" 

Uraraka was stunned.  Did she hear that right?  Did he actually reject her?  Only an idiot would turn down Itsuka Kendo.  But then she remembered the last thing he said.

I also kinda like someone else

He already had feelings for another girl.  It really was over.  There was no way now that he would ever see her more than just his best friend.  Uraraka felt a tear sliding down her cheek.

"I'm sorry Deku I have to go.  I'll see you in class"

She took off running to the nearest bathroom and cried.  She felt so weak and so hopeless, but she couldn't give up now.  She was a hero after all, and heroes never stayed down. Wiping away the tears, she made a brave face in the mirror before heading off to class.  From now on, she wasn't going to think about Deku and focus all of her efforts on school and her training. 

"Settle down now"

Aizawa entered the classroom as everyone stopped talking and sat up straight.

"Last class we focused on single combat.  I want to see how you guys have developed your communication and teamwork.  So today we will be conducting a giant team battle which will contain all of you at once.  You will be wearing a headband with your teams color.  If you remove an opponents headband, they are eliminated.  Last team standing wins.  Change into your P.E uniforms and meet me at Ground Omega.

Aizawa pulled out a box of colored headbands before exiting the room. Everyone craned their neck to get a look at the projector. The teams were as follows. 

Yellow Team: Sato, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Aoyama, and Hagakure

Green Team: Kirishima, Midoriya, Asui, Kamanari, and Iida

Red Team: Yaoyorozu, Bakugo, Mineta, Sero, and Uraraka

Blue Team: Jirou, Ashido, Koda, Shoji, and Todoroki

"All right lets get moving everybody"

Iida clapped as he stood up, ushering everyone out the door.  Soon, all the kids were gathered around Aizawa in front of the training ground.  Omega was the forest facility, and was covered in trees and rocks providing lots of opportunities to hide and ambush. 

"All right split up into your teams and line up at each gate.  Red on north, blue on south, green on east, and yellow on west. Dismissed"  

Aizawa made his way to the observation booth while all the teams made their way to their designated starting zone.  

"So what's our strategy?"

Kirishima asked as they were waiting for the game to start.

"Well the red team is probably our greatest threat. They have Yaoyorozu, Bakugo, and Uraraka.  Not to mention Sero who's quirk is one of the most versatile and compatible ones here"

Midoriya responded, his brain working like sixty thinking of a solid plan.

"Oh Uraraka is so important eh?"

Kamanari teased as he lightly elbowed Midoriya.  Deku just rolled his eyes.  He had gotten used to the "shipping" all his classmates had done to him over the years. 

"Shut up" 

Asui punched Kamanari in the shoulder

"Ochaco is one of the strongest fighters in our class.  She could put you on your butt with her eyes closed and one hand behind her back" 

But then she turned and winked at Midoriya.  

"But yes Ochaco is especially important to Midoriya ribbit"

Deku opened his mouth to respond but he was cut off. 

Class 3-A Team Battle



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