Chapter 9: The Manly Talk

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Midoriya was doing his homework in his dorm when he heard a knock on his door.  Putting his pencil down, he got up from the desk to open it.  

"Oh hey Kirishima. What's up?" 

Hey asked with his signature smile.  Kirishima was one of his closest friends at UA besides Ochaco and Iida.  After all, they saved Bakugo from All For One, rescued Eri from Overhaul, and took down villains at I-Island. 

"Hey man! Can I come in for a sec?"

Kirishima replied

"Yeah of course"

Midoriya opened the door completely and stepped aside to let his friend in.

"Hey bro, we got to have a talk man to man"

Kirishima said placing a hand on Midoriya's shoulder looking at him intensely.

"W-What is it?" 

Midoriya gulped.

"Be completely honest with yourself.  No teasing just straight up.  You do have a crush on Uraraka don't you?"

Deku looked down at the floor and didn't say anything for a few minutes. 


He muttered weakly.

"But she doesn't like me back so there's nothing I can really do now is there"

He slumped down on his bed. Kirishima sat down beside him, putting an arm around his shoulder.

"Bro, I'm gonna be real with you, you're kinda blind as a bat.  Uraraka has had an even bigger crush on you since first year"

The redhead lightly punched his friends arm.  Midoriya turned bright red and stood up quickly. 

"No no no no there's no way she's liked me that long"

He was pacing back and forth his mind unable to process what Kirishima just said.

"Yeah man its the truth.  That's why we all tease you so much.  Not because we hate you or like making fun of you.  You guys are actually both madly in love with each other and literally the whole school knows it" 

Kirishima was rolling on the bed laughing.  Even at eighteen, Deku was still the same old cinnamon roll.

"But it doesn't matter now" 

Deku sulked down in his desk chair and put his head down in between his arms.



"I said she hates me now.  She's always avoiding me and only talks to me when she has to"

Deku repeated turning to face his friend. Kirishima got up from the bed and walked over to him.

"The only reason she's doing that is because she's trying to move on and forget you.  When you shot down Kendo, you told Uraraka you had a crush on another girl, and she's to dense to figure out that it's her.  Now she's all upset thinking she doesn't have a chance with you." 

Deku felt like an idiot.  The reason his best friend and crush was avoiding him was entirely his fault.

"W-Well what do I do?"

He grabbed Kirishima's arms pleading for help.

"Easy bro.  You just gotta man up and tell her how you really feel"

Midoriya froze up.  He had tried to confess his feelings once before, but ended up way to embarrassed and ran out of the room.  Just being around her made him extremely nervous, let alone the added pressure of telling someone you love them for the first time. But like Kirishima pointed out, it was his fault, and the only way to correct the misunderstanding was to confess.

"You're right Kirishima.  I have to fix what I did and tell her how much she means to me"

He pulled him in for a hug.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome bro.  I got you anytime"

Midoriya heard him whisper. 

"Say, could you maybe give me some pointers?  Like what did you say when you asked out Ashido?"

Midoriya asked his friend as they pulled apart.

"Yeah of course bro.  Here's what you gotta do.  Take her someplace romantic and beautiful.  You know, to set the mood.  Then you gotta take her hand and look deep into her eyes, and just speak from the heart my guy" 

Kirishima smiled as he headed for the door.

"B-But what am I specifically going to say?"

Deku reached out to stop him.  Kirishima paused in the doorway and looked back.  

"Tell her how she makes you feel, tell her how much she means to you, tell her how much your life would suck if she wasn't in it.  I dunno stuff like that.  Good luck!"

He waved goodbye as he closed the door.  He turned around and walked around the corner to meet his girlfriend who jumped up from her seat as soon as she saw him, running into his arms and giving him a kiss.

"Well what happened in there?"

She asked after she pulled away.

"He's gonna do it!"

Kirishima grinned as Ashido squealed in delight and hugged him tighter. 


Kirishima choked out as the life was being squeezed out of him by his girlfriends loving embrace.


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