19. Cusps in a fairytale

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                   💙 22nd January 2021 💙

For all the attention Imani was paying, the professor could have been speaking in Greek, and she would still not know..because none of his words had the ability to penetrate the chaos her mind was in..

No matter how hard she tried to concentrate, the thoughts weren't going down without a fight.. exhausted she obliged..

Muradh, Muradh and again Muradh was all she could think of... it was now a everyday ritual for him to wake up sweating and pale.. he continuously had a series of nightmares and refused to let her in on it..

her mind drifted back to a conversation they had a couple of days back..

Muradh had woken up from a nightmare and was standing by himself in their room balcony staring out into the night..

Imani was surveilling his every moments though she pretended to be awake.. but nevertheless was jerked awake by a series of muffled sobs.. she walked down to the balcony only to have her heart wrenched open..

Muradh was lying down in his fours and was crying hysterically while thick streams of tears trailed down his face.. Imani rushed to his side and took him into her lap.. yet his sobbing failed to cease.. he was crying his heart out and Imani could do nothing but watch..

It took almost half an hour plus another 15 minutes before he stopped crying and was in a state to talk..

"Muradh?" she initiated stroking his hair..


"You arent okay.." she spoke in a frightened tone..

When she failed to get a response from him.. she continued..

"why are you going through these alone? You were there for me when I trudged through sticky patches in life.. and now when you navigate the murky waters why aren't you letting me in on it.. I want to help you.." she explained..

"No Imani you cant.." he chuckled wryly..

" no one can except the almighty above and that's the only hope keeping me alive.." he spoke sighing..

meanwhile try not to hate me.." he whispered into her hair and walked away..

a thick veil has fallen upon their daily lives and none could penetrate the layers of silence laid down.. conversations were reduced to mere answers and the dark shadow on her hero's face ached Imani deep down in her guts.. she dwelled deep in the brown orbs swimming in oblivion for ostensible reasons unknown.. their fairy tale was in the verge of a cusp and she could do nothing but watch helplessly..

Her train of thoughts were barred by the constant vibration in her pockets.. it was Azzu and was surprised that, lost in her thoughts, she had failed to notice that Azzu was absent for the lessons..

Sneakily sliding under the desk, she answered..

"where are you? why aren't you here.. are you planning to get me thrown away from class?" she hissed..

"Imani.. we need you here immediately.." it was Danish who spoke.. he mumbled an address some 30 minutes away and hung up..

Driving up the hard mud paved road, she halted in front of a large shabby building concealed behind a large playgroup ringed with huge mango trees..

Walking through the rusty gates, she was amazed at the cozy and homely feeling the place rendered..

the playground was filled with kids of all ages running, screaming and loitering around.. the shades of the mango tress were heavenly in comparison to the very few ornamental trees she came across at home and the campus..

"This seems like some kind of a home for children.." she reckoned..

The sight of kids and their babbling as usual lifted her spirits.. making her way inside with a lighter mood than she arrived with, she waved to Azzu and Danish standing behind the huge desk at the reception area..

walking closer she saw that they weren't alone, Shezaad bhai was with them too.. now she was confused.. she was in a mind that her friends were here for something realted to their final project.. but shezaad bhai and the the perplexed looks they sported germinated a dozen questions in her.

"Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathu guys.. she greeted for which she received some feeble replies..

Danish stood up and walked inside without a word while Azzu walked to her side and gripped her hands tightly..

"all okay?" she enquired..

"yeah Nanga(younger sis).. just a confusion I believe.." Shezaad bhai sighed " how is everything going at the campus.."

" Its fine bhai.. I am just looking for internships and-" her speech was cut short by Danish's arrival.. but he wasn't alone..

An elderly woman walked with him while he had a girl in his hands..

she looked about 3 with a scared look on her face.. her hand hung in luscious ringlets falling on her face which she tucked behind her ears in a cute gesture.. she was so skinny yet she had beautiful unknowingly familiar aura to her which which made Imani warm up to the kid in no time..

walking back to them Danish stood rooted in his spot.. Imani walked over to him and took the girl into her hands..

"ellooo lil angel.. whashh your name?' she cooed tickling the little girly tummy which made her erupt in melodious laughter making Imani lqugh too..

she looked back at others who were sporting forlorn expressions while shezaad Bhai smiled sympathetically..

she was thoroughly confused..

"whats wrong guys..?" she had a nervous shiver in her tone now..

"Imani listen.. this might come as a shock but- Azzu Started..

"stop Azzu.. Imani.. Her name is Hira.." Danish spoke in a tone of disgust and anger..

" Hira Muradh."


Ton ton ton tooooing..

Assalamu alaikum warahmathullahi wabarakathuhu  Amigos..

How ishhh you people doing..

I missshed you.. yeshhh Marwaa misssheddd you peepsh.. but look I'm back with a bang..

Shooo how ish the chapter..

Soo soo what is Muradh going through and who indeed is Hira..

And guys I've started a new book name "the withered petals do bloom" and it would mean the world to me if you could give it a read..

Do vote and comment.. ur comments make my day..

Until then..


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